chapter 39: sunclipse

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"a few words of hope are more powerful than meaningless promises - hafsa ."

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"Habibi.....she's uncontrollably crying ." Basmah shut Afra's doors behind her and broken down into heavy sobbing herself , clutching onto Sulaaymaan's arms as he hugged her and rubbed her arms up and down .

He was taken aback gravely .

Early that morning , he had been awaken by loud knocking on his door by Basmah . He witnessed that he had fallen asleep on his desk in a pretty awkward angle , resulting in a neck sprain .

However , as the day unleashed what it held for him he realized that a sprained neck and a throbbing head were the least of his concerns . Basmah had panicked saying that she didn't find Afra in the kitchen and as usual thought that she probably overslept . Sometimes she'd come down right when the breakfast would be served . But when Afra did not show up until Zuhr , she decided to check on her .

What followed next stunned her immensely . Afra was lying down on the balcony floor , cold and pale . Her hair flew with the gentle breeze and her lips were devoid of any colour .

Immediately , Basmah went to her side and gently shook her awake . Queen Basmah wasn't in the least expecting her to break down into hiccuping sobs and cling onto her . She was frightened out of her wits and no matter what Basmah did , she was not ready to quiten down .

The shock was massive .

"Mama , please , calm down . In shaa Allah , things will get better . Please calm down ." Sulaaymaan ushered her gently , as she pulled away from her son and dabbed at her eyes .

"Habibi , why ? How did this happen ? Who could have broken in ?" Basmah's eyes were still shedding tears as she shook her head sadly . "My poor darling . How badly she is shaken up Sulaaymaan ."

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