chapter 17: black

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"just because i look happy doesn't mean i am happy; because even a white rose has a black shadow - afra ."

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Hafsa had notified everyone about what had happened . While they were engaged in trying to deal with the situation , she had slipped away and decided to message Gabriel . Inaya had given her the permission long back , but she couldn't bring herself to do it . Now she figured out that she had waited for too long and it was best to let him know .

Hi Gabriel !

Her finger hovered over a smiley emoji . She really wanted to send that as an apology for making him wait for long but before she could think it out further , she almost jumped when a notification sound alerted her .

Her eyes skimmed over the screen and she found herself tensing over Gabriel's latest message .

Hafsa ? Oh God ! Thank you so much for answering back . *Smiley*

She did not know if she was being stupid , but his words flowed dreamily . She grinned like she found it something that made her very happy .

No worries . *Smiley*

She did not think twice about it this time . Infact , she very quickly sent it .

She had been stuck to the screen for quite some time . It seemed like he had left already .

Hmm...I was meaning to ask you something . Is it okay if we keep in touch this way ? I don't mean to trouble you or make you feel uncomfortable ."

Hafsa tensed at his question . She wanted to talk to him . He seemed like the unsolved piece of a jigsaw puzzle , wandering within the dark holes of a vague and lifleless dream . It was clearly prohibited to talk to the opposite gender . But she was determined to talk to him only if he took the initiative and if he was online at that particular moment . Her motive was to just show him towards the path of truth as according to her , he was lingering very close to the light while being stiff within the darkness around him .

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