chapter 48: thee and thy

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"people are afraid of the truth and so they're most fearful of the dark - afra."

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Afra's heart stopped at the moment the large chandelier struck the floor and crashed into the smallest of pieces spreading like a wild fire . The impact was so powerful and intense that she could feel the floor beneath her vibrate a little .


Her head began to spin and her ears closed for a few minutes . Once the shock of that had died down and she relaxed relatively , her knees stopped wobbling . Another few minutes passed and realization of what had occured struck to her like a thunderstorm .

Afra shot up from her position and stared at the ground , panicking . There were the smallest pieces of glass shining against the floor and the ordeal was demanding her quick thinking and action .

Her eyes swiftly moved across the mess and fell over the triplets huddled close together , crying loudly and jolting with every small noise that followed .

"Girls , girls , please don't cry Habibtis . Just stay there ."

She violently swung her arms about , hoping that the girls would hear her out and calm themselves down because she felt herself get more panicky everytime their cries echoed .

She fisted her abaya and jumped across the floor to where Sulaaymaan had stood a few minutes prior to the accident , ignoring the girls .

At the moment he required attention because he was hardly seen .

From her peripheral vision , she could make out the triplets huddled close together shaking with fear and their eyes stuck to the floor .

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