chapter 36: yearning

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"if our beloved prophet Muhammad Sallalahu 'alaihi Wa sallam saw us today, how many tears of disappointment would he shed? - faaris"

"if our beloved prophet Muhammad Sallalahu 'alaihi Wa sallam saw us today, how many tears of disappointment would he shed? - faaris"

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Hafsa had been zoned out ever since she had the conversation with Gabriel a few days back . It had all struck to her as the deepest realization that she was committing a major sin by being too into a non mahram . Initially , she had been carried away with the witty whisperings of the shaitaan . Thankfully it wasn't very long before she was alerted by her conscience .

Aside from this , the other logical reasoning her rational mind had concluded as being wrong was the gift she had received . In simple language , it was extremely kind and generous of Gabriel to have handed her something as precious as a diamond bracelet . It was gorgeously carved into perfection and Hafsa had never been gifted anything in general , let alone be handed a luxurious Jewellery item . Mainly because she never had had any friends .

She just couldn't accept it .

She had felt horribly guilty the moment she had deeply pondered over her silly actions and had promised to herself that this matter would be sorted out .

Once she had deduced the severity of the situation , she had asked for Gabriel to meet her one last time . To sort things clearly without making it seem like she was starting to ignore him .

However it came off as the most blunt confession to her when he spoke his heart . His words felt sincere and honest . In that moment , she had been too dazed and taken aback to answer properly . A few minutes of still silence had given her the answer .

Deep in the darkest corners of her heart , all of her emotions seemed surreal and true . The way his smile caused her to blush , the deep routes of his eyes that made her way into his soul , the loneliness behind the smile that stood flattering to the world .

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