chapter 50: a wish for a wash

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"his life thrived within the depths of her heart- inaya."

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The moment Afra stepped inside the house , she was met with shiny and clear floor devoid of the evidence of anything that had happened a few hours prior .


She stumbled backwards on her feet as two tiny tiny figures wrapped their arms around her legs , restricting her movement .

"Hello my loves ."

Afra held each of their hands and was walking ahead with them when her gaze fell on Jazz . She kept staring at her in a cold manner and stomped off just when Afra was about to call out to her .

"What happened to Jazz ?"

Kat and Dandelion shrugged and began dramatically emphasizing each detail of what had happened .

She could feel their hands tremble in hers and it was very clear that the girls were horribly shaken up . The chandelier had been about fifteen metres wide with additional delicate , glass danglers . It had been quite a scene . She could only think of the image that could've been stuck in their minds .

When they had walked uptil the kitchen , she found the Queen near the stove . Afra squinted to make out a few bandaged stuck to her arms and one to right temple .

"Assalaamualaikum ."

Afra cooed and the Queen looked up to face her .

"Walaikumusslaaam Habibti . Get seated . The soup's ready and you're not leaving without having any ."

She left the stove , held Afra's shoulders and pushed her gently in the direction of the table . When she was about to settle down , her eyes fell upon a figure huddled at the farthest end .

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