chapter 63: see and believe

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"be pure; positivity will follow.
be positive; kindness shall blossom.
be kind;happiness will arise
be happy; love shall follow - hafsa."


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Sulaaymaan had welcomed one of the last guests for the evening and ordered Aasiq to shut the doors.

Once he did that, Sulaaymaan bent close over his ear and whispered certain rules.

"I hope you'll be awake throughout the ceremony. And make sure to be around Afra at all times. We have to remember that she's the main target."

Aasiq nodded curtly, throwing glances over his men who were listening with deep concentration.

"In Shaa Allah sir, we shall do our level best. Please stay strong and calm."

Sulaaymaan patted his back and nodded his head at the rest of the men before taking off for the stage.

A large number of reporters pounced in his pathway, but he firmly held his hand and walked without giving as much as a glance.

If there was one thing he absolutely loathed from the pits of his heart, it was the incessant behaviour of the reporters and their tendency to pounce and make him feel enclosed and suffocated.

The large crowd had already started to cheer and applaud loudly as he climbed the few steps to the stage. Waving at everyone and smiling sweetly, he tested the microphone before him with his finger.

Positioning his hands over the high podium, he took in a deep breath and faced the silent mob of the audience who had their eyes curiously fixed over him.

"Assalaamualaikum and a hearty welcome to the members of my nation — "

The crowd burst into loud cheering. Taking a deep breath, he patiently waited for them to settle down.

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