chapter 40: storm

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"good eradicates the bad. in the most non violent way - sulaymaan ."

Afra watched him sit back in silence , after all that he had said . It did almost make sense to her .

Almost .

He had witnessed the deaths of so many people he loved . They were killed either while fighting for his life or protecting him . They cherished him truly and wished for him to live his life well . They probably thought that he deserved to enjoy life as much as they had during the time they lived . And perhaps that's how they all became so selfless .

But that still required endless love and strong determination .

"Who's the one behind all this ? How did I end up being his target ? I don't think he had any reason to hold me as a bait ." Afra asked as he returned his gaze back upon her .

"As far as the one who's the mastermind is concerned , like I've already mentioned , I don't know . The only suspect we had all the evidence against had been murdered himself . The police investigated this case for over two years before sealing it close . A few months after that , it all started again when a mysterious person started threatening me with my whereabouts and personal details that I'm sure nobody except myself would be conscious of . Naturally I ignored , deeming it to be the work of some prankster , but when things got way ahead than I had expected them to , I knew that whoever it was had no intention of just playing sickening jokes ."

He paused and saw her listening to him with genuine interest .

"It started to occur more often and at much more regular intervals . It terrified me and I made sure to distance myself from everyone I could possibly stand as harmful to . And that's when — "

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