Damn Flag (Jyushimatsu x Color Guard!Reader)

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"Come on! You've been doing guard for 3 years! There is no excuse for why you are dropping that 45 toss!"

You sighed before picking up your flag and undoing the sail in your silk.

Let's back up a bit.

Your name is (y/n) (l/n) and you have been in Color Guard for 3 years. Even after years of training, there were still things you couldn't do and it stressed you out everytime your coach chastised you. Guard was hard and you wanted to quit, but you had already spent so much money on it.


You turned your head to see a man about your age walking into the park. He wore yellow and had a baseball bat with a....... man tied on it? It freaked you out nonetheless.


You snapped your head back towards your coach.


Sighing, you placed your hands in their correct positions before placing the flag beside your right hip. Taking a deep breath, you prepared. Your coach clapped her hands to give you your tempo.

"5! And 6! And 5! 6! 7! 8!"

You tossed your flag into the air, watching it spin around as you placed your hands in front of you to catch it.

It didn't land in your hands. It landed an inch in front of you. An inch.

A growl escaped you as you yanked your flag up off the ground.

Your coach sighed.

"That was a decent toss - I'll give you that compliment. But CATCH THE FLAG! You can't be the only one on the team that doesn't toss!"

"Yes, ma'am....." You whispered as you wiped some tears from your eyes.

Your coach looked down at her watch and seemed taken aback as she gathered her things.

"I have to go back home. You need to stay here until you can successfully do that toss. Got it?"

"Got it...."

Your coach smiled. "Good."

You watched as she left and sighed.

Walking up to your computer, you started blasting a playlist of your favorite songs to practice to.

Holding your flag in your starting position, you began to count yourself off.

"5! And 6! And-"

"9,221! 9,222! 9,223! 9,224! 9,225!"

You turned and prepared to scold the person who messed up your countoff. It was that baseball guy. A scoff left your mouth and you tried to ignore it, not wanting to hurt the happiness the man had.

His smile...... It made you feel less stressed and more relaxed-

Stop that, (y/n). Focus. Just focus.

"5! And 6! And 5! 6! 7-"

"9,231! 9,232! 9,233!"

"Um. Excuse me....?" You said as you walked up to the man, slightly ticked off.

"9,234! 9,235! 9,236-"


The baseball man stopped swinging his bat and looked at you with his wide smile still plastered on his face. It was like he was mocking you in a way.

"U-um.... Could you please st-stop counting so loud? It is throwing off my tempo and I really have to practice......"


You flinched from how loud his voice was.

"N-no! I am in color guard..... It's like dancing and doing tricks with flags......."


His volume still caught you off guard.

"Yeah.... So could you maybe be a bit quieter while you count? I need a steady tempo and I really have to catch this toss......"

He smiled even wider. "No problem! I'm Matsuno Jyushimatsu and the fifth eldest of my brothers! We are sextuplets!"

The fact that he was so open to you after just meeting you confused you. However, your brain decided to pay no mind to it.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)! Nice to meet you, Matsuno-San!"

He bowed in a respectful manner and went back to swinging his bat while you went back to your flag.

"5! And 6! And 5! 6! 7-"


You looked at Jyushimatsu and smiled before starting your countoff over.

"5! And 6! And 5! 6! 7! 8!"

For the millionth time that day, you tossed the flag and stared as it spun in the are. Only this time, it was different.

You stared at your hands in disbelief. You had caught it.

"GREAT JOB!!!!!!" Jyushimatsu screamed as he ran over to you, hugging your body tightly. You hugged back with your flag still in hand.

"Jyushimatsu?!?!? How dare you get a girlfriend before us?"

The two of you turned around and you saw 5 men who looked similar to your new friend. You blushed.

'So those are his brothers.....' You thought to yourself.

"A-actually! I just m-"

"Yeah! No fair, Jyushimatsu nii-san!" The one in pink interrupted you.

"OH! This is (y/n)-Chan! I just met her! She dances and spins flags! What did you say it was called?" Jyushimatsu said, looking at you.

"Color guard....." You avoided all possible eye contact.

"Oh my gosh! That is so cute! Can I get a photo with you?" The one in pink asked.

He began to walk over to you, but you guarded yourseld with your flag.

Stranger danger.

"Okay? I guess you don't like photos....." Pink walked away with a sad look.

"Guys. I think we should leave our burazza alone with his new Jyushimatsu-Girl~" The one in blue said with a smirk.

'Painful!' You thought.

The other five sighed and left, leaving you and Jyushimatsu alone. Both of you remained silent for a few minutes.

"So..... Can you maybe show me how to spin a flag?"

You looked at Jyushimatsu and smiled.

"Of course!"

~A few hours later~

"Hey, (y/n)! Look what I can do!"

You stopped spinning and stripped your flag before placing your eyes on Jyushimatsu.

He tossed a 45.

And caught it.


"HOW DID YOU GET THAT IN A FEW HOURS? I'VE BEEN TRYING TO LEARN THAT FOR YEARS!!!" You screamed in disbelief and jealousy.

Jyushimatsu chuckled and positioned your hands in the correct position before telling you to toss it.

You tossed it and backed up a bit only to feel him push you forward. You caught it.

"You like to shy away from your flag. Maybe that's why you can't catch it."

You paused and pondered on his words.

You never even noticed that you did that.

You continued to toss and catch all of your 45's, making you scream and jump for joy.

The rest of the day was spent with you and Jyushimatsu doing random crap in the park like feeding ducks, dancing, and playing baseball. Well. And flag work.

You were still jealous of his progress though.

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