Merry Christmas you Furry (Ichimatsu x Reader)

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"Good morning, NEETs!" You screamed as you kicked all the brothers that rest in the futon. A sinister smile was spread across your face.

The brothers groaned and rubbed their eyes, Osomatsu slightly glaring at you. Their bed heads were painfully visible except Karamatsu who woke up with flawless hair.

"(Y/n)-Chan..... Why so early....?" You heard Todomatsu ask as he held on to your leg.

Laughter emitted from your mouth and spread across the room. "It's Christmas, of course! Only the best time of the year! Come on! Get up!"

The brothers groaned as you jumped on top of them. Something was off though. You noticed Ichimatsu was missing, but didn't bring it up. The brothers would disregard it and probably wouldn't care.

"Hey. Where's Ichimatsu-Nii?" Jyushi asked, flailing his sleeves around like a child, completely disproving your thought that they wouldn't care.

"I don't know....." You pondered on the thought, worrying that he wasn't safe at that moment.

You thought he may have already been downstairs, but you were proven wrong when you went to investigate. The alleyway? You checked. No Ichi. Bathroom? No luck. A groan left your mouth as you dialed his phone. Your ringtone played on the other side of the room.

"So Ichimatsu left without his phone and no sign of where he left to?" Choromatsu asked, looking through his brother's phone. "Your his girlfriend, (y/n)! He would've told you, right?"

"No. I woke up and went to wake you all up but he wasn't with you." Your fingers fiddled with a strand of your hair.

Jyushimatsu suddenly hit the Christmas tree with a baseball bat, making you confused.

"HEY THAT WAS MY NYAA-CHAN ORNAMENT!" Choromatsu screamed as he picked up the now broken collectible.

"LET'S OPEN GIFTS!!!!" Jyushimatsu squealed, not caring about his brother's shattered figurine. Poor Choro laid on the floor, crying softly.

"No! We have to wait for our dearest brother to arrive! It is rude to open gifts without everyone being ready and in the room. You are from (place), so isn't that customary, (y/n)?" The flirty man winked at you, making you cringe.

You nodded slowly, not having listened to what he was talking about. Your mind was on Ichimatsu. Todomatsu noticed you were lost in thought and proceeded to rub your back.

"Don't be scared! He will come back! He's probably out getting cat food or something!" He cooed, giving you a hug.

"I WANT A PRESENT!" Jyushimatsu screamed, still hitting stuff.

"STOPPPP!" Choromatsu yanked the baseball bat from his brother and threw it out the window, glass falling to the floor.

Jyushimatsu held his smile and pulled out another baseball bat.

"I'm..... going to find your brother....." You said rather softly, leaving the house in a tank top and sweatpants, not caring if it was cold. But you didn't know that was a bad idea at the time. And to be honest, the thought of it being horrible didn't cross your mind.

Your eyes darted around the sidewalks and into the alleyways. Strangers looked at you as if you were insane, but that wasn't what you cared about right now. Slowly but surely, your face started turning red and your nose began to get stuffy. Goosebumps covered your body as you walked through the cold. Yet still, you ignored it. Finding Ichimatsu was more important.

"Ichimatsu?" You yelled, hoping for a response, not getting one back. "Ichim- AH!" Slipping on the ground, your body landed in snow, not making your current state any better. But you stood up and continued to walk.

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