Never Forget (Matsus x Dead!Reader)

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Requested by Minty_Hyo


You watched as the sextuplets walked up to your grave, tears running down your cheeks as they placed flowers down, cursing at the sky. In all honesty, you missed the sextuplets more than anything, but the chance to be with them was brutally taken away from you when your life was taken by a drunk driver.

It happened so quickly, too. It happened while you were driving to the Matsuno household late one night. The driver in another car had just left the bar and was drunk as could be. He swerved, hitting your car, causing it to roll down a hill.

You died on the impact of the driver, not the hill. So as your ghost left your body, you saw the car your body was in go down the steep land and burst into flames. It made you feel sick. Yet, it was impossible to look away. You watched as your car exploded and as the paramedics ran up the after effects, putting out the fire. A black drape went over your car and you were announced as dead. Somehow, your phone survived decently enough to where it was still useable. The police unlocked the phone and looked at your recent messages to see it was to someone labeled as "Matsuno-San". Knowing exactly who the Matsunos were, the police man made their way to their house.

"Yes?" Osomatsu asked as he opened the door to the police man. "Look I know I spend a lot on gambling, but it's a legal amount!"

The police man rolled his eyes.

"Do you know her?" The man asked as he showed a photo of you to Osomatsu.

"(Y/n)? Yeah! Why? She's coming now!"

The other 5 entered the room, listening in.

"Actually, sextuplets..... I hate to inform you that there has been a terrible accident with (y/n) and a drunk driver......"

The brothers turned as white as sheets.

"W-whatever do you mean, sir?" Karamatsu stuttered, scared for you.

"She got hit by a driver and ended up rolling her car down a hill. I'm sorry to say that (y/n) is dead...."

"NO!" Ichimatsu screamed, bursting into tears. Jyushimatsu held him back to avoid having Ichimatsu punch the police man.

"I'm sorry for your loss...."

"BULLSHIT! YOU'RE JOKING!" Todomatsu yelled.

The policeman shook his head no.

"O-oh gosh...." Choromatsu choked, clutching his head and being comforted by Karamatsu.

"They are taking her to the hospital right now to see what specifically in the crash caused the death..... You guys can come with me or you can wait until her viewing to see her if her family decides to do that....."

"I wanna go see (y-y/n)-chan....!" Jyushimatsu sobbed, clutching to his purple clone.

Osomatsu nodded at the man and told his brothers to follow him. The six of them got into their car and followed the police man to the hospital.

Once arriving, the sextuplets sprinted to your room, gagging at the sight of what they saw. You were naked on the bed, making them flustered, but blood covered your body and there was a large gash on your forehead.

"Are you the sextuplets?" One nurse asked as she looked up from your body.

The boys nodded.

"I thought so. Her mom went to get her father and said you were permitted to come into the hospital room....."

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now