Homecoming? (Matsus x Chubby!Reader)

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You despised the thought of homecoming more than anything. Beautiful girls and handsome men getting asked out and spending time together 24/7. You hated it.

Or at least, that is what you told everyone when they brought up the subject.

Rather, you were jealous and wished that someone would take you. But, you wondered who would even want to go with you? You didn't exactly have the ideal female body; you were chubby. Normally you wouldn't care about your weight, but now you felt as though your weight is what repulsed people.....

A sigh left your mouth as you walked through the hallways, only hearing about that dreaded event. You didn't even want to think of the word.

The school day was over and you had to wait outside for your ride to pick you up and take you home.

Your eyes were met with an empty bench by the car loop and you quickly placed your belongings on the bench before sitting down. It was pretty boring waiting for your ride, but you managed by spending time on your phone.


You fliched and screamed slightly, almost falling off of the bench. The person laughed and instantly, you recognized who it was: Matsuno Todomatsu.

"Totty.... Jeegus you almost gave me a heart attack!" You gasped as you stood up and brushed yourself off.

"I'm sorry! That was so funny!" He wiped a faux tear from his eye.

"So mean....." You crossed your arms and stuck your tounge out at him, trying hard not to laugh.

Todomatsu hugged your frame and you wormed away, feeling uncomfortable. He gasped.

"You NEVER reject my hugs! What's wrong?"

A playful glare was delivered from you to him before you spoke again with a straight face.

"I'm just still in shock after you scared me."

He began laughing again and you grumbled some curses under your breath as you stood up and sighed.

"So.... (y/n)-chan....." His voice sounded serious all of a sudden.

An eyebrow was raised from you and you wondered why his aura changed so quickly.


The two of you turned to face Totoko in all her glory. Lord, she was gorgeous. You felt insecure around her, even though she was your friend.

"Ask me what?" You asked, hoping it was what you thought it was. You hoped he was asking you to homecoming.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I have no question for her...." Todomatsu said quietly.

Totoko rolled her eyes.

"JUST DO IT ALREADY!" She squealed, frustrated.

Her phone was now in her hands, recording.

"Totoko-Chan. Please don't...." You begged, looking at your friend. Cameras were something you despised.

Todomatsu cleared his troat. You turned to him.

"(L/n) (y/n).... W-will you go.... to the.... homecomingdancewithmeplease? I-it is okay to say n-"

"I'd love to!" A smile spread across your plump face.



"YOU KNEW I WAS GOING TO ASK HER!" The eldest shouted at the youngest.

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now