Confessing (Choromatsu x Shy!Reader)

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"(Y/n)! You have to tell him eventually, you know! If you avoid this obsession-"

"I'm not obsessed," You told, glaring at your friend, Totoko, who was currently sitting on your bed. She simply rolled her eyes before pointing to your bedroom walls.

"Not obsessed, huh? Don't you see all of this?!?" She was referring to the excessive amounts of photos you had of Choromatsu on your wall. You practically choked when she pointed those out.

"T-those are just photos that we took together! I'm not obsessed, I swear! He's my best friend, so of course I have photos of him!"

By now, your face was more red than a strawberry. You about died when Totoko reached under your bed and pulled out a medium sized book. The book, which you had grown to rely on, had a black hardcover and your name engraved on it in a nice faux gold. This was nothing other than your beloved sketchbook and having something so personal in the hands of someone else made you feel as though your world was over.

"Mhm okay...! Then explain this sketchbook with all the lovely drawings of your 'best friend'." She taunted, flipping through the pages.

You never thought you would be so rude to someone like Totoko seeing as how she could easily destroy you with a glare, but doing this crossed the line. Thus, you snatched the sketchbook from her and defensively held it to your chest. Most people wouldn't see what you did as mean, but you were always told not to snatch things from people, so you saw it as rude and immature.

"It's just drawings of him Totoko! He agreed to let me draw him as practice...!" You half-lied, just wishing the conversation would end.

She scoffed, "You do realize that I'm not going to stop taunting you until you tell him, right? It's obvious he likes you back, so you should tell him."

You flinched, taken aback. "No way! He doesn't like me at all! Choromatsu has a crush on you!"

The sad part was that you knew it to be true. Choromatsu would always fawn over the girl and treat her as though she was a queen. He'd spend his minimal amount of money on her, give her compliments, and fanboy over her every time she was in sight. The thought made you frown and caused your stomach to hurt. Totoko snapped her fingers to catch your attention.

"People can like more than one person at a time. He likes you too! And I don't like him at all, so that shouldn't worry you one bit..."

"I guess..." You fumbled with a necklace that was the matching half to Choromatsu's. He had the Yin half and you had he Yang despite the two of you having almost carbon copy personalities. 

"See? If he didn't like you, he wouldn't keep wearing the other half of that necklace!" Totoko inquired, pointing to the small charm you were playing with.

"It's a friendship necklace, Totoko. He doesn't like me like that..."

She grasped your footwear off the floor and handed them to you. "He does. Now put on your shoes! We're going to his house!"

"WHAT?! No way!" You refused, throwing your shoes at her, resulting in her thigh getting hit. You apologized but still maintained your stubborn state.

She groaned and walked up to you with the shoes, forcing them onto your feet much to your dismay. "If you're going to act like a baby, I'm going to treat you like a baby!"

You scoffed in reply. "I'm not three. And I'm not acting like it either."

She crossed her arms and cocked a brow, "Really? Okay! If you aren't three, then prove it by telling Choromatsu that you like him!"

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now