Mischevious Pervert (Kitsune!Osomatsu x Reader)

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HanakotheIdiot requested this story! Hope this was decent!


You woke up to the sun peeking through your window on a fine morning. The sun was blinding and frankly, it burned your eyes, but it was a good way to wake you up so you could complete your morning duties. Morning duties? You lived on a ranch and as you may have guessed, you had to get up early to tend to the animals.

Every morning at the crack of dawn, you had to deliver food, count the animals to make sure none were gone, and walk around the ranch to make sure there were no poachers or wild beasts that could potentially harm the animals on your property.

Sighing lowly, you kicked the blankets off of your bed and stretched your back. You proceeded to head to the bathroom where you would pin your hair out of your face, be it a bun, ponytail, pigtails or whatever you feel like doing to your hair. Once your hair was complete, you put on your boots and trudged outside, dreading the repetition of the task at hand. You always feared something bad would happen while you were out checking the ranch, like finding one of your animals dead, locating a poacher or just a threat in general, or getting lost. Though it never happened to you, you still feared it as it could happen any time.

With an anxiety filled mind, you skipped up to the chicken coop and threw seed at the animals for them to eat while you counted them.

"1.... 2..... 3.... 4..... 5..... 6..... 7..... 8.... 9.... 10! Yay! No missing chickens!" You cheered and you could've sworn one of the chickens looked at you like you were insane.

You made your way inside the chicken coop, picking up the basket on the floor and grabbing all the eggs that the chickens had laid. There were 24 eggs in total.

"Ah! That's two dozen eggs! Perfect!" You questioned how your ten chickens laid so many eggs, but tried to pay no mind to it.

Carrying your basket, you moved over to the pig pin and counted the pigs. 4 pigs in the pin. Perfect.

"Here you go, buddies!" You giggled as you refilled the pigs' water and food. The pigs snorted and immediately devoured the food you just refilled.

You refilled it once more and waved goodbye to the pigs as you made your way to the area where the cows were. Everything was okay in the cow section until you noticed something was off. All the cows were there, but you noticed the bull was missing.

"Where is he....?!?!" You asked frantically as you looked around the area. But he wasn't there.

You mumbled curses and made your way to the barn where the horses were held. All the horses were there which was good. Now you just had to worry about the missing bull.

Pulling out your horse - who you called Dani - you hopped on and got ready to ride around the land.

Dani began to walk forward and you steered her out of the farm, nerves flowing through you again. You had to find the bull.

Once you left the barn, Dani went ballistic and started jumping around, causing you to fall off and hit your head. Your vision began to fade and you watched as Dani ran away and you swore you heard someone laughing at you.

You woke back up sometime in the afternoon in the same spot you passed out in. Standing up, you wiped yourself off and sighed. And then it hit you.

The animals on the ranch. Most of them were gone. The rest were dead and laying limp on the ground. You gagged, disgusted with whatever or whoever caused this.

"W-what the hell?" You panicked, tears running down your cheeks as you looked at the remaining animals as they laid dead. You were horrified; your nightmares came true.

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