Scrapbook Sentimentals (Jyushimatsu x Shy!Reader)

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For the past few months, you had begun to receive multiple notes in the mornings from someone anonymous. The notes were never signed off by anybody but they always appeared every single morning when you woke up. They would be slipped in the small mail slot on your door and fall onto the mat at the entrance of your home. The notes were always heartfelt and it seemed as though whoever wrote them was taking a lot of their time to write such sweet things. Just by reading the notes, you'd get extremely flustered, especially since you didn't know who had written them. Sometimes, they'd be short notes with a message like "No need to be so shy!" Other times, they'd be notes that seemed like they took a while to write. Today, you received another short note, this one as sweet as the others.

"I think you're very beautiful! Especially when you smile!"

You honestly didn't know if you found it creepy or not. You chose to find it as a kind gesture rather than something creepy. Obviously, this person had to know you for them to give you notes, right? You rarely left the house, so the only people that'd know you were your minimal amount of friends.

With a smile, you read over the note yet again before walking over to your small coffee table, you pulled out a scrapbook from the minuscule drawer of the table along with some tape. Flipping through the pages, you saw all the notes you'd been given, the notes practically filling the whole book. You made a mental note to purchase a new book for your mementos. Breaking off a piece of tape, you plastered the post it note onto the last open spot on the page with a smile. Your goofy grin dropped once your phone played a loud notification sound and startled you. You'd forgotten to turn your ringer down, so you were mortified. Pressing a hand to your chest in shock, you made your way over to your phone and checked the notification.

Todomatsu: Hey (y/n)-chan! It's Jyushimatsu! Do you want to hang out at the park?

You chuckled to yourself, finding it funny that he must've had to have asked his brother to text you from the youngest's phone. You texted back with a 'yeah sure' and the two of you agreed to meet up in the next 30 minutes. The outfit you'd selected for the day was already on your person and your hair was pulled back, so you were ready to go whenever. The park was a quarter of an hour away from you, so you scrolled on your phone for fifteen minutes before leaving to go to the park.

You walked all the way there, but like stated earlier, it only took fifteen minutes, so it wasn't that awful of a walk. When you arrived, you saw Jyushimatsu waving at you from a small gazebo and motioning for you to go over to him. You did as wished and practically sprinted over to the man, excited since you hadn't seen him in a week due to his baseball schedule. He'd recently made a team, so he wasn't always free. As soon as you were on the gazebo, he scooped you up into his arms and spun you around in excitement. You were getting a bit dizzy, but you were just happy to finally get to hang out with your best friend. As you could tell, he was rather ecstatic as well. He eventually put you down and was just holding you in a hug.

"I missed you so much!" He told, not letting go until you pulled away from him slightly.

"I missed you too! How was the tournament in Okinawa?" You questioned in your usual quiet tone. Your face was basically aflame from the sweet hug the two of you had just exchanged.

"It was so amazing! A lot of deployed people from America were there and came to watch! One of them tried talking to me and I had no idea what they were saying, so I just nodded my head and acted like a understood! Karamatsu nii-San could've helped, but he's busy!" The man cheered, excited to talk about his experience.

"T-that's amazing! I'm so happy for you! I watched on television... I'm really sorry that I couldn't come...!" You apologized, feeling guilty for not going to his game.

"It's no problem! As long as I know you are still my best friend, you are always there in spirit!" His eyes were flooded with a determined gleam.

What a cutie.

The two of you sat down on the gazebo bench and continued to chat for a while, before you decided to change the subject.

"Do you know if anyone that would be writing anonymous notes and slipping them through my door?" You questioned, his face freezing and going pale. You pulled out the small scrapbook and showed him, realizing he didn't look so hot. "Eh? Jyushimatsu?"

"You actually keep those?" His nose was starting to leak blood and his smile was now closed mouth.

"Y-yeah...? They're sweet! D-do you know who wrote them? I can't identify anyone's handwriting but it kinda looks oddly similar to yours in a way!" You told, completely oblivious to the fact that Jyushimatsu had in fact written those notes for you.

"I wrote them, (y/n)-chan!" He confessed, smile still closed but nonetheless wide.

Your eyes widened in shock and realization as you flipped through all the notes. Your face was hotter than a volcano and more crimson than any tomato you had ever seen in your life. Jyushimatsu felt his heart melt as he watched you smile, giggle, and cover your face in embarrassment. He found your shy state to be quite adorable.

"Wait how did you g-get these to me while you were gone?" You questioned, fiddling with the ends of your shirt and biting your lip.

"I wrote them early and had Karamatsu drop them off for me!" He told, beginning to dig through his duffle bag. "I have one that I was going to give you tomorrow, but why not now!?"

He held out a Polaroid photo of the two of you after one of his local baseball games. It was a photo you said you had absolutely loved when it was taken and knowing this, he got the photo reprinted on another Polaroid film just for you.

"There's something on the back too...!" He told, anticipating the flipping of the photo.

You turned it over and read the note written in large, bold letters:

I love you, (y/n)! Will you be my girlfriend?

You practically choked on air as you read it, feeling even more flustered than before. Your crush... loved you? It almost seemed impossible! Your face was now buried in your hands yet again and Jyushimatsu chuckled as he watched your whole body go red.

"So... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, pulling you close to him.

You nodded, too in shock to say anything back to him. The man cheered aloud, some people giving him weird looks as he exclaimed his joy and love for the knew relationship. He didn't care however and all he cared for in that moment was the fact that you were now his and he was yours.

He found his girl.

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now