Framed (Lawyer!Karamatsu x Reader)

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"This is so stupid! I don't know why I am being accused for something I didn't do! I would never do something like that! (F/n) is my best friend!" You argued, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.

Let's back up a little bit.

Your name is (y/n) (l/n) and recently, you lost your best friend. How? Murder. Someone performed arson on her house while she was asleep and before she even had time to escape, she was burned to death.

Who did it?

Not you (you knew that for a fact), but you were being framed for it and everyone was convinced that you were the perpetrator of the crime. All except for your lawyer, but that was his job to defend you.

Your lawyer had a..... special relationship with you. The two of you went out on dates all the time and you and him were romantic partners. He knew that you were innocent because at the time of the event, the two of you were out at some Italian food place.

Who is this man?

Karamatsu Matsuno, your boyfriend and lawyer.

He was ready to back you up immediately with evidence. The court you were partaking in was not like a normal court, so it was a little weird compared to normal cases.

Back into the case, it was you and Karamatsu against (f/n)'s jerky boyfriend and parents who hated you for some odd reason. Your opponents did everything in their power to get you convicted of a crime you know you didn't commit.


Everyone turned to face Judge Totoko as she tried to call order. She was slamming her hands down on her desk like a child. Of course she was. Though she was very rage-filled, Judge Totoko could still be serious and take control of a room.

"Welcome back. Hope you all enjoyed your intermission! Back to the case of (y/n) versus (f/n)'s family! Please sit!" She said through gritted teeth. She hated her job.

But then again who would enjoy being a judge?

"Okay so we left as (y/n) was calling the opposite party 'stupid' for accusing her. (Y/n). Where were you that night?"

Gulping, you stood up and held Karamatsu's hand, making Judge Totoko cringe slightly.

"I-I was out at a restaurant with my boyfriend!" You choked out, voice cracking.

The judges eyes you carefully and the opposite party glared at you.

"If I may!" (F/n)'s boyfriend, Junei, interrupted.

"No. Shut up," the judge deadpanned. She continued, "Miss (y/n)! Do you have any proof that you were out with this boyfriend you speak of?"

"Yes! We do!" Karamatsu said standing up and pulling a manila folder out of his brief case. "This is a receipt from that night proving we- I mean she was at the restaurant at the time!"

"We? You are her boyfriend?" Totoko pointed at him. Karamatsu gulped and nodded. She continued and tried not to fangirl, "That is so adorable!!!!"

"Uh. Thanks!"

"Miss (l/n)! Please elaborate on the receipt for us. How do we know that isn't just some random receipt that conveniently was printed at the time of my precious girlfriend's death?" Junei inquired.

"It has Karamatsu's signature on it!" You beamed, feeling achieved.

"How do we know that you went with him and not somebody else?" The mom asked.

You froze.

"My Karamatsu-girl was with me that night and I know for a fact!" Karamatsu said firmly gripping your hand. He rubbed his thumb over your knuckles to calm your nerves.

"You really think anyone is going to believe that shit? Come on! You are her lawyer, your job is to make crap up to defend her. For all we know, you could be lying straight to our faces!" The dad said.

"I would appreciate if you wouldn't disrespect my profession; you have a lawyer with you as well! My job is to state fact that supports her. I do not make stuff up!" Karamatsu said, trying to sound professional and not yell.

Judge Totoko nodded.

"Is there any other evidence you have miss?" She asked.

You pulled out your phone. "Here is our texting conversation right before we met up at the restaurant!"

Judge Totoko read through the conversation and nodded slowly before handing your phone back.

"Seriously? That could be a fake conversation!" Junei pleaded, making you scoff.

"Dumbass! Who has time for that! And we know it isn't fake because it backs out to where you can see all of my messages! And actually, if you look at this texting conversation I had that night with her, you can see that I am innocent. I asked her what she was up to and she said she was 'going to bed. What about you?' To which I responded with the fact that 'I am going on a date with Karamatsu!'"

The family scoffed and mumbled about how it made no sense.

"Okay, so far, I am led to believe that (y/n) is in fact innocent, but there is still one set of proof that I haven't viewed yet and thought we could watch together!" Totoko chirped.

"What is it?" The mom asked.

"Security footage from neighbors' cameras that point at (f/n)'s house!"

Junei went as white as a sheet.

"Something wrong?" You asked him with a smirk.

"No. Just nervous. I don't want to watch you burn up her house."

You rolled your eyes and the judge clicked play. On the screen, you saw a figure in a hoodie and jeans sneaking around the house and pouring what looked to be like gasoline. The person started at the front, then to the side, back, other side, and back front. Then, a match was lit and tossed onto the gasoline drenched borders. The house was engulfed in flames. The figure jogged away but in that moment of jogging away, a perfectly clear face was seen. Judge Totoko paused the video on the face.

Junei. He did it.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU KILLED HER!" You screamed, Karamatsu holding you back from punching the boy.

"I hereby announce miss (l/n) as innocent and charge mister Junei with arson, murder of (f/n), and attempted murder of both of her parents. Your sentence is 97 years in prison! Have fun!" Totoko boasted, glaring at Junei.

"I can't believe you Junei! We trusted you!" The parents sobbed as Junei was being handcuffed and escorted out of the courtroom.

"WE DID IT! YOU WEREN'T CONVICTED!" Karamatsu whisper-yelled, glad that his girlfriend wasn't arrested for a false accusation.

But you on the other hand were crying silently in your chair.

"(Y-y/n)-Chan?" He looked down at you and noticed your crying.

He knelt down in front of you and cupped your cheeks, his thumbs wiping away the tears.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this. I know she meant a lot to you. Trust me. I do. You never shut up about her but that is okay because you two are the cutest friends!"

"Were the cutest friends...." you corrected him.

"No. You still are the cutest friends and you two will forever be the cutest friends!"

A small sob sound left your mouth.

"I love you a lot and I am here for you no matter what. When the days are dark and the skies are a colorless gray, I will be here to help you through the hardships."

"Thank you Karamatsu...."

"There is this quote I really like and have lived by for as long as I can remember. It says 'Without rain, nothing grows. Learn to embrace the storms of your life.'"

You tackle-hugged your boyfriend.

"Thank you so much..." You mumbled into his neck.

"Anything for you my sunshine...."

"Anything for you......"

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now