Friend-zoned (Todomatsu x Artistic!Witch!Reader)

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juridyll requested this one!

Also, I started writing another book (Karamatsu x Insecure!Reader), so if you want, you an check it out!


A loud yawn escaped your mouth as you stretched your arms above your head. It was yet another morning in Japan and you were ready to do the same daily routine as usual. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you grabbed your wand off of your nightstand.

"Acqua...!" You sleepily exclaimed, waving your wand slightly.

Within a millisecond, a glass of water appeared in your hands, you quickly slurping it down. A few drops of the liquid escaped your mouth and began to venture down your chin until you wiped them away with the back of your hand.

Your eyes remained squinted as you attempted to adjust to the horrible rays of the morning sun. Though, the sun was more strong than your eyes, so you eventually gave up and closed the curtains. To be honest, you would've loved for it to be dark so you could sleep longer, but that would freak everyone out if you cast that spell to the sky.

Realizing that you were just going to have to deal with the morning sun, you hopped out of bed and continued on your morning routine. You grabbed the glass that you just drank out of and took it to the kitchen where you put it into your sink. Noticing that there was a ton of dishes piling up in your sink, you once again raised your wand to perform a spell. This one specifically cleaned and organized your dishes. Oh, the lazy life of a witch was so enjoyable.

You were still pretty much half asleep until a ringing came from your phone made you wake all the way up. Without even looking at the caller ID, you picked up your phone and you were immediately met with a voice on the other end.

"Ah good morning, (y/n)-chan! I'm sorry to tell you last minute, but I'm not able to come to our coffee shop meeting this morning.... I have to clean my house and everything! You know the usual!" The feminine voice called on the other line, sounding really peppy. You instantly knew it was your best friend, (f/n).

"No offense, but you always seem to be cleaning!" You joked in return, chuckling to show that you weren't upset with her. (F/n) was always really sensitive.

"I know and I'm really sorry! Maybe we can schedule it for next week?"

"Yeah! If you can avoid making your house a mess again!"

The girl laughed lightly before apologizing once more.

"I'll talk to you later! Bye!"

And with that, you hung up. To be honest, you had completely forgotten about the coffee meeting in the first place. But you figured that you were in need of caffeine so you decided to go anyway without your friend.

You eyed your apartment carefully and groaned when you realized that you had forgotten to put your art supplies away. It didn't take that long for you to tidy up your apartment however. Once again, the lazy witch life was amazing.

Before leaving, you double checked that you had everything you needed with you: purse, wand, sketch pad, pencil, money, and everything else you might need if going to a cafe. With that, you left down the street to a high class cafe called "Sutabaa".

You were a regular at the establishment, so it was no surprise to the head bartender, Todomatsu, that you were at the cafe yet again. The little ding of the bell notified your arrival in the cafe.

"Oh hey, (y/n)!" Todomatsu waved, immediately handing you your usual order.

You smiled and thanked him, not really being one to talk much. Todomatsu knew of this and it seemed to make him quite suspicious of you. It was as though you were hiding something from people.

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