Cuddles (Ichimatsu x Reader)

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Someone requested an Ichimatsu x Reader with cuddling but idk who it was and I can't find the comment.

Also hey, a new book cover.

You knew summer had officially begun when you felt the scorching heat outweighing the air conditioning in your house. It was almost too hard to even wear clothes with the heat you were in, so you wore as minimal as possible. You were sporting a crop top that you wouldn't usually wear and obnoxiously short shorts. To say you were uncomfortable would be an understatement, but anything to keep cool in the blistering heat. Besides, it wasn't like you were going anywhere, but your boyfriend was home, so he had to see you walk around in your skimpy attire.

It was utterly humiliating.

Ichimatsu was always very... perverted though most people wouldn't be able to tell that through his typical anti-social attitude. However, you were very aware of how he could be when he was in a lustful state (which was most of the time). Plus, it was even worse today since you had on that attire you had selected to avoid dying from a heat stroke.

You couldn't keep count of how many times he had smacked your butt just by you walking around.

It kinda got on your nerves.

Alas, the summer heat got to the both of you to where neither one of you could properly function without complaining. So, the two of you turned on the TV, blasted the AC and fans, and sat on the couch together. Ichimatsu was sitting up in the very middle of the couch while you sprawled over him on your stomach, stretched out from one end of the couch to the other. Your hair was sweaty and damp, falling into your face as you laid down. This caused you to groan at the feels by of the warm liquid touching your face. It felt disgusting.

"Why don't you just pull your hair back?" Ichimatsu asked, tired of your complaining and reaching into the couch cushions for a scrunchy since you often lost things in your couch.

As he thought, he found a hair tie and pulled it out, hesitantly reaching for your wet hair. He combed his fingers through it to rid of any bumps and to gather all the hair into his hands. Ichimatsu proceeded to tie your hair back into a bun so that no hair fell on your neck and face. He patted you head and placed his hands back on top of your back as he watched television.

"Thank you..." You muttered, using the hand that dangled off the couch to wipe the sweat from your face.

He gave his signature 'tch' sound and didn't go any further in his words. You groaned yet again and flipped over to where you were on your back. Ichimatsu looked over and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Ichi... It's so hot..." You whined, arching your back in annoyance.

He rolled his eyes at you and scoffed, "I don't control the damn heat, (y/n)."

"Yeah no shit Sherlock!" You pushed yourself off of him, letting out a squeak when you accidentally fell to the floor. Ichimatsu laughed as he watched you face-palm at yourself.

You stood up and wiped yourself off, looking back at him for a second.

"I'm getting something cold. Do you want anything?" You questioned, eyes half lidded from exhaustion.

The man shook his head no and you nodded, proceeding to the kitchen that was seemingly more hot than the rest of the home. You could feel a pair of eyes boring into your back as you made your way to the refrigerator. A satisfied sigh left your mouth as you opened the freezer and felt the cool air hit you. You even stood there for a moment, basking in the crisp goodness. Eventually, you returned to the couch with Ichimatsu, an ice cream sandwich in your hand.

You cuddled up next to the man and broke the cold delicacy in half, offering him one of the halves. He politely declined and rest his head on yours as you at your treat. Ichimatsu bit his lip as he became more aware of how closer you were to him. When you finished, he let out a sigh as you stood up, his relieved face turning into that of an evil smirk. You let out an 'eh' and questioned why he was looking at you the way he was.

He didn't reply.

He just smacked your butt again.

"ICHIMATSU!" You scolded, holding your butt with your hand. He simply chuckled. "THAT'S THE 6th TIME IN THE PAST HOUR!"

He laughed yet again and you rolled your eyes, throwing your ice cream wrapper away and returning back to the couch. You were a bit hesitant to sit down again knowing that he may very well attempt to... make a move on you. He grasped your hand and pulled you on top of him, you now sitting on his lap facing him.

You let your mouth fall open a little at the sudden repositioning, but he didn't seem fazed in the slightest. Though, something seemed to be on his mind which confused you greatly. You mentioned your concerned but he cut you off and asked the statement he'd been wanting to say for a really long time.

He looked you dead in the eye.

"I know I probably don't say it enough, but I really do love you. With all my heart, I love you more than anything in this universe."

You flinched, surprised and wanting to know where the sudden reminder arose from. He averted his eyes and fumbled with your fingers as you stared at him. The man felt beyond awkward at this point and to lighten the mood, you pressed a kiss to his cheek. He looked straight to see you smiling at him.

"I love you too, Ichimatsu!" You reassured, intertwining your fingers with his. Then, you paused for a moment before proceeding. "Why would you say that so randomly though...?"

He grumbled under his breath, making you far more concerned. The man pulled you closer to him, your head in the crook of his neck.

His sweaty neck.


"Todomatsu told me I seemed like I was only with you for your body and that I didn't love you. I don't think it's true, so I had to tell you in case you thought that way. Heh."

You pulled away from his neck and raised an eyebrow. "Why would he say that?"

The man shrugged, not really knowing the answer himself.

"Well! It's not true! I know you love me and I love you back! So ignore your stupid youngest brother!" You told, eyes lit with determination to make him know that you trusted his love. "Besides! You don't have to tell me you love me! You always prove that you care about me in all the sweet things you do for me!"

"S-s-sweet things?"

"Yeah! Sweeter than that American treat you tried at the cafe! You've done a lot! You tuck me into bed when I fall asleep, you make me breakfast, and you even go to the movies when I want to see something that you absolutely loathe the plot of!" You could've gone on and on about everything he'd done for you.

"Thank you...!" He said, knowing that you knew how much he loved you.

You giggled for a second before pulling him into a tight hug that lasted a long while.


You hummed in reply, neither one of you moving from the hug.

"You're really sweaty."

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