Neglect? (Jyushimatsu x Moody!Reader)

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Your mood was never 100% steady and it seemed as though your emotions could drastically change at any time they wished. Hell, one day you'd be completely fine and then the next, you'd be down in the dumps for sometimes no reason. At points, the changes in mood would be so rapid that it interfered with the way you functioned. You'd switch from sad to angry, happy to contemplative, and so many feelings in such short time spans. You'd often find yourself staying away from your family, friends, and even your significant other during these times as to avoid conflict. They'd bring up your mood on occasions and get rather serious about the issues at hand, though you'd deny it anytime it was asked about.

Often, you'd end up having a certain emotion stay with you for a painfully long period of time in between episodes of mood swings. You could go days or weeks feeling so awful only to end up being filled with joy later on. It seemed odd to you and people that knew you well recommended a therapist, but that seemed too far out of your comfort zone. The whole concept seemed weird as well. You'd basically go in and be expected to vent to an absolute stranger about how you felt.

No thanks.

Right now, all the dark feelings were engulfing you. You were trapped in a very negative state that had been occurring for about two weeks or so. As usual, you had barely spoken with anyone at all and pretty much gave up on normal hygiene routines. You looked awful and like you'd been thrown out, though you paid no mind to it. Your days had been spent cooped up in your room in total darkness, the only light being from the minimal rays of sun that would occasionally peep from behind your curtains.

Your phone had been dead for quite a while and you hadn't bothered to change it whatsoever. You were simply too exhausted to do so. This meant that the one person who was trying to contact you wasn't getting his calls through.

As much as a lively man he was, he was quite worried for you. This man so happened to be your boyfriend which only made the situation worse for him.

One morning, you awoke to birds chirping outside and the familiar darkness of your bedroom (accompanied by the small peeps of light of course). Squinting your eyes, you looked around the room at all the clothes and junk flooding your floor. Your nightstand was covered in trinkets and dirty clothes, much like your floor. Hell, you couldn't walk without getting caught in your mess. Luckily for you, you didn't plan on moving anyways, so it was no concern for you. You didn't have to worry about dodging a mess.

With that, you rolled onto your side and bundled yourself into more blanket, face buried in between your pillows. You figured it was important to eat and use the bathroom at that moment, but you rejected the thought immediately. You didn't want to eat and for some reason, you just didn't feel hungry.

Thus, you laid in bed in the same position you'd just shifted into, ignoring the joyous songs of the birds outside. The kids playing ball in the streets and laughing? You blocked out their sound. Your TV that'd been on in the living room for the past few weeks playing the weather channel? You didn't even notice it. The knock on your door? It didn't bother you.


The knock on your door?

You sat up in bed slightly to make sure you were hearing the sound correctly only to realize that someone was, in fact, trying to see you. Who would be trying to see you so randomly?

The knocking only grew louder, so you made the decision to go see who it was. It took you a moment to move out of bed and maintain balance since you'd literally been laying in bed for a couple of days. You made your way through your sea of junk on the floor, grabbing a robe off the floor on the way. As you continued on to the front door, you covered yourself in the robe and shut off your TV.

The knocking turned into banging.

"I'm coming!" You told with annoyance in your voice.

You placed your hand on the knob, twisting it to the right to open it. You pulled it back towards you only to see your boyfriend, Jyushimatsu, with a closed mouth smile and lifeless eyes. He looked like he was about to cry, making you confused and nervous. You cocked your head to the side, trying to examine his expression.

"You didn't answer your phone! I've been so scared!" He blurted out, stepping into the home without an invite and engulfing you into a rather tight embrace. "What have you been doing?"

The door closed behind him and the man unconsciously walked forwards as he was hugging you. His face was buried in your neck, not caring if you didn't smell the best. He was just glad you were existing. You were frozen in place and didn't really know whether not to hug back. Jyushimatsu pulled away though, staring up at the ceiling as he gulped - a technique you'd done to rid of tears.

He didn't seem like himself at all and you figured this is what his brothers meant when they said Jyushi had the most emotional darkness of the six. So Jyushimatsu wasn't as air-headed and happy as he showed? He seemed to be more serious and attentive now more than you'd ever seen. You always knew that he had his own thoughts and many deep things to say every once in a while, but never did you think you'd see him cry. His brothers told you they'd only ever seen him cry once during their lives, so you'd never expected to see it yourself.

You fumbled with the ends of your oily hair, internally cringing at how greasy it was. To be honest, you were having trouble coming up with a way to respond to his question, seeing as how you didn't know the answer yourself.

Letting your hand fall back to your side from its place in your hair, you let out a sigh. "I... I just haven't been feeling well recently. My phone's been dead and-"

"Did I do something?" He choked out, hands shaking ever so slightly. The man looked petrified.

Your eyes grew wide for a moment in a panic. You waved your hands from side to side as you reassured him, voice cracking, "No no! It's not your fault! It's alright, please don't cry, Jyu!"

You used your thumbs to wipe under his eyes before kissing his cheek lightly. He took your hands in his and offered you a wide smile, making your heart melt. That smile you hadn't seen in days had come back to see you again. How he was able to always hold a smile on his face without fail despite the situation was a mystery to you. But, his smile brought you joy, so you didn't complain.

"If anything were to happen... I don't know what I would do!" He told, squeezing your hands a bit, still holding a smile on his face, though it was quivering a bit.

"I'm okay, Jyushi! Calm down!" You promised, watching as he took a hand away to wipe his eyes with his sleeve. A pang of guilt went off in your stomach.

He nodded quickly and offered a laugh, kissing the top of your head. "I'm happy you're okay... So happy!"

Jyushimatsu let out a sigh and held up his finger as though he had an idea.

"We should go get food!" He offered, eyes lighting up as he spoke his idea.

"I smell and look awful though..." You told with a sour expression. "Can I take a shower and stuff first?"

And with that, you proceeded to get ready, the two of you going out to eat once you were ready. It was a blast and he even showed you a few new gags he'd learned for you. Of course, you were dying of laughter but it was better than laying in bed, loathing yourself.

You were glad to have someone like Jyushimatsu around. Someone to always make you smile when you had a frown. A person who made you feel like a somebody when you felt like nobody. Somebody who'd go out of their way to make sure you were okay. That was your boyfriend.

You couldn't be more grateful.

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