Oden + Cigarettes (Smoker! Ichimatsu x Innocent!Reader)

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A smile was spread wide across your face as you skipped down the sidewalk one afternoon. You were just sent out, or rather you offered, to go find your best friend and crush: Matsuno Ichimatsu. After spending a few hour at the Matsuno house, you decided to go find the brother that was absent in the household.

"Ichi-Kun! I'm coming to find you!" You giggled as you continued your trek down the street.

Your gleaming eyes gazed over the many shops and food stands that were offered along the way. To you, everything looked so beautiful and you couldn't describe properly how much you loved this town.

"Oh hey, (y/n)!" A familiar voice called.

You turned your head to see your pint sized friend. "Hiya, Chibita! How are you?"

He smiled, seeing as how someone actually cared to ask about his life. "Pretty good other than the fact that those sextuplets won't pay their damn tab!"

You laughed for a moment.

"Where are you off to?" He asked.

"I'm trying to find Ichimatsu.... He disappeared. Did you see him?" You asked, your eyes sparkling. Chibita blushed lightly and scratched his neck. Everyone, even the harshest of people, found your lack of corruption and your pure innocence to be adorable.

"I'm sorry! I haven't!" He replied, a little worried of letting you down.

"Hmmm..... No worries! Thank you!" You waved at him and began to leave before pausing.

"Chibita?" You asked, not turning around.


"Can I have some oden?" You turned around, your smile blinding.

Your smile being contagious as usual, the small man grinned as well.

"Of course! The best oden for the best person in town!" He answered, making you laugh. "How much of it?"

"Do you have a large container I can take?" You asked, wanting to take some for you and Ichimatsu.

"Yeah! No problem!" He began pouring oden into a rather large container. "Is this all for you or should I add a small bowl to split the food between?"

"Ichimatsu will share some too!"

The man nodded and gave you the oden, an extra bowl, and chopsticks.

You handed him yen and he smiled.

"Thank you Chibita! Have a good day!"

"B-bye, (y/n)!"

With oden in hand, you continued your search for the cat man that you knew and loved.

It didn't take long for you to find him though; he was sitting in the spot the two of you usually sat at together to have conversations and such. He sat by the river in his purple jumpsuit, smoke rising above his head. You were confused.

Was he smoking?

"I didn't know you smoked, Ichimatsu....!" You said a little shocked but not disgusted.

You took a seat next to the man and offered him a gentle smile, placing the oden to your opposite side.

"Yeah I do. You have a problem with that?"

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