Nothing to Fear (Ichimatsu x Ailurophobic!Reader)

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Ailurophobia- fear of cats



You had always been afraid of cats due to some events that happened in your childhood that completely left you traumatized. At the age of 8, your mother got attacked by a stray cat who had some sort of fatal disease and ended up dying in the hospital a week later. From then on, you were always told to stay away from cats and that the same thing could quite possibly happen to you. Your father told you that they were dangerous and evil creatures that had the power to kill as they pleased. The cursed animal seemed horrifying to you (whether they were stray or house cats), so you naturally grew a fear of them. A few friends of yours had cats in their home and you practically refused to go to their house just over the fact that they had cats. It almost felt stupid to you that you were afraid of something people found so cute and cuddly. Yet, you couldn't seem to shake the fear.

Your best friend (and boyfriend) Matsuno Ichimatsu was a cat fanatic and would always invite you to go to cat cafes or feed strays with him, but you'd always decline.

And today was another one of those days.

You awoke to the blinding light of the sun peeping through your windows. Not particularly wanting to be awake, you carefully moved out of bed to avoid waking up your boyfriend and closed the curtain. Hearing him stir almost gave you a heart attack, but you returned to the bed anyways, covering yourself back up. Your eyes gazed over the sleepy Ichimatsu who you noticed was slightly awake.

He let out a low hum as he opened his eyes slightly to look at you.

"Hi..." You smiled lightly, scooting closer to the man.

"Go back to sleep...." He chuckled, turning to where his back faced you.

Ichimatsu seemed uncomfortable with laying on his side, so he returned to his normal sleeping position with his stomach to the ceiling.

Still in a drowsy state, you moved over and crawled on top of him, your head on his chest.

"Get off."


You nuzzled into his neck and you were slowly falling back into sleep until a certain someone pushed you off of them.

"Ichi...." You whined, curling up into his side.

He let out a groan and wrapped his arm around you, secretly smiling about the situation. Eventually, the two of you realized there was no point in trying to fall asleep and decided to be productive.

You lazily moved out of bed, stumbling a little bit. Ichimatsu groggily sat up, chuckling as he watched you dizzily walk around the room. He moved out of his position and next to you while you tried to put your slippers on.

"Ichimatsu. Can you carry me downstairs?" You asked as you rubbed your eyes.

He almost choked.

"Excuse me?"

"My legs are too weak to go downstairs. Please carry me..."

Both of you knew you were lying just to get a piggy back ride, but he obliged anyways. He hoisted you up on his back, hands supporting you by your thighs as your arms wrapped around his neck.

"Thank you Ichimatsu-Sama~"

"Tch....." He scoffed as his face grew a deep crimson, though you couldn't see from your position.

Once the two of you reached the bottom of the stairs, you pressed a kiss to his cheek before grabbing the TV remote.

"Any plans today, Ichi?" You questioned as you watched the news.

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