Stood Up (Werewolf!Karamatsu x Reader)

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NightWolf-Medic requested this one. Idk how to really write a paranormal romance thing, but I tried :3

ANYWAYS! Little bit of self advertising again, I started another book (Karamatsu x Insecure!Reader) if you wanna check that out!


You walked into your living room, eyes immediately fixed on your boyfriend, Karamatsu, who was casually watching the television. Once you stepped in, he instantly focused on you and you only. A smile made its way across his face upon seeing you, making you feel happy inside. Just a simple gaze made you feel loved.

Then, you remembered your purpose for going into that room. Carefully, you pulled out a wrapped gift and placed it in his hands, making his eyes go wide for a moment.

"My honey... You didn't have to get me anything!" He insisted, hiding the fact that he secretly wanted to open the gift.

"Yes I did! You got me a gift, so I had to get you one! It's only customary. Happy anniversary!" You hugged him tightly and fiddled with the bracelet he had given you earlier that day.

He tore into the gift just as he had wanted to, almost crying upon seeing a sparkly blue scrapbook with photos of the two of you throughout. You panicked a bit when you saw a tear go down his cheek.

Had you upset him? You didn't know to be exact, but the grin on his face disregarded any fear of him being angry.

"T-this is the photo when we first met!" He chuckled, pointing to a horrible quality selfie with you dabbing like an idiot. Karamatsu looked genuinely happy in that photo. If it wasn't for his smile, you would've deleted the photo; nobody needed to see cringe-worthy trend from 2016.

"Wow! I remember that day clearly! Back when your kind wasn't accepted like they are now...."


It was a Friday night in Tokyo, Japan and you were walking the streets to pass time before your (very exciting) first date! You were dressed rather nicely compared to how you usually dressed: a nice (f/c) dress with matching heels that were killing your feet. But it was all worth it for the night you were expecting. Your date was supposed to meet you at the restaurant within the next 10 minutes and you were ecstatic, so you practically sprinted to get there.

Upon arriving, you texted you're date and asked if they were at a table already. They quickly responded with a "No, I'm almost there though", giving you the okay to go ahead and get a table.

You did just that. The greeter of the small establishment was actually really sweet since you assumed the high-end place to have snobby workers. The girl had short, light brown hair and blue eyes, a few freckles apparent on her fair skin. She was certainly a beautiful female so it caught you off guard when she started taking you to your table. Upon sitting, you texted your date and told them the location of the table and patiently waited for a reply.

They replied quickly with an "Okay. Can you order me a peppermint tea?"

You said yes in reply, wondering why your date would drink such expensive beverages. It was cheaper than the wine, but 950 yen for a drink wasn't exactly what you'd pay for a simple cup of tea.

"Hello! Welcome to OnePine Gourmet! My name is Karamatsu and I'll be your server this evening, darling!" He paused a moment, looking at the empty seat across from you, "Are you waiting for a date? Most people don't come here to eat alone...."

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now