Parenting (Father!Todomatsu x Mother!Reader)

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When you and Todomatsu found out you were pregnant, the two of you were ecstatic. The two of you were even more happy when you delivered a baby boy who ended up being named Todd. Todd pretty much looked like a carbon copy of his father and acted a lot like him too. Baby Todd was very loud and very sociable, all the while loving and clingy. If you were holding Todd and you put him down for even a few seconds, he'd throw a tantrum. He was in fact a devil baby.

Growing up, Todd was often picked on by peers for reasons you didn't know. You'd ask him about it but he always responded with things like "it's no big deal" or "nothing's wrong". But, both you and your husband knew there was something wrong with your son.

"Todd? What's the matter?" You asked one day when your son came in the house his first day of 5th grade. He was in tears.

He looked up at you with watery eyes and a quivering lip. It tore your heart to shreds.

"Nothing mommy! I told you I'm okay!" With that, he sprinted upstairs and locked himself in his room.

You stood in the same spot you were, looking down in defeat. For some reason, you felt as though you were failing as a parent and that your son was hiding something from you. There was no doubt that you intended to find out the issue. The sound of footsteps brought you back to reality.

"What happened? Is Todd home?" Todomatsu asked as he walked out of the kitchen and wrapped his arms around your waist.

You let out a low sigh and nodded. "He came in crying and then locked himself in his room. Something is really wrong, Totty.... Something is bothering our son....."

The pink clad man pondered on the statement you made and tried to come up with a solution.

"He likes shopping right? I can take him out shopping and get it out of him! Father-son bonding time!" Your husband cheered, confident he could resolve the issue.

In response to his offer, you nodded, making Todomatsu immediately dash up to Todd's room.

"Todd! Todd! Todd! Open up! Do you wanna go shopping with me?" Todomatsu chirped, knocking gently on the young boy's door.

Todd opened his door slowly and peered at his father. "Where at?"

Todomatsu chuckled at the sudden mood change in the child. "The mall! So any store you want!"

The child smiled but it quickly faltered as he began to shut his door again. "No thanks...."

"Wait why?" Todomatsu asked, stopping the door from closing again.

"Shopping is lame....." The boy simply said before crawling into his bed.

"But Todd! I'm a man and I shop more than anyone I know! And you love shopping!"

Todomatsu sat on the bed with his son and ruffled the boy's hair. "Are kids at school making fun of you....?"

Todd widened his eyes before nodding shyly.

"Why do you think they would do that?"

Todd shrugged.

"I'LL BEAT THOSE LITTLE BASTARDS UP!" Todomatsu yelled, standing up and punching the wall.

"Daddy. Watch your language. Mom will scold you again."

"Shhh don't tell her!"

"Dad you practically screamed that. I think she heard you say it already...."

You started walking up the stairs and towards Todd's room, planning to scold Todomatsu later.

"Hi Todd!" You greeted once you entered his room.

Both you and Todomatsu noticed Todd looked uncomfortable when you called him "Todd". A quizzical look made its way across your face.

"Do you not like being called Todd? W-we can call you something else!" Todomatsu offered, smiling kindly at the boy.

"N-no! Todd is fine....."

You sat down on the floor in front of your son, holding his hand and your husband's hand.

"I can tell you don't like being called Todd. It's obvious....." You gently smiled, "You can tell us anything. We love you all the same!"

The young boy sighed and looked at his lap. "A-at school, I like playing with all the girls because they are really pretty and they're really sweet. So, the boys laugh at me and call me names like 'gay' and 'faggot'."

"5th graders use language like that?" Todomatsu asked, shocked.

Todd nodded and continued, "I've always liked playing with the girls. I relate to them better..... The boys are just mean..... I don't like them..... I don't fit in with the boys because according to them, I'm too.... feminine I think is the right word? But I look like a boy so I don't fit in with the other girls."

Realization hit you like a brick. "Do you..... Do you want to be a female?" You asked, making sure you weren't making assumptions.

The small boy nodded and wiped tears from his eyes. Both you and Todomatsu smiled. You realized you didn't have a son; you had a daughter.

"I'm sorry....." The young girl cried.

"For what? We said we'd love you all the same, right? It's who you are. We can't be mad at that!" Todomatsu assured, ruffling her hair. "What would you like us to call you?"

She put a finger on her chin and looked up, pondering the question for a moment. "I don't know...."

You smiled. "There's a lot if you want a name similar to your dad's! Tilly, Tammy, Teddy...."

"I-I like Teddy....."

Todomatsu nodded in approval. "Teddy Matsuno! Has a nice ring to it!"

A hum of approval left your mouth.

"OH MY GOSH I CAN FINALLY DO A GIRL'S HAIR SINCE YOUR MOM WON'T LET ME DO IT TO HER! And your hair is a bit long, so I can do pigtails! Ah! I'm so excited!" Todomatsu squealed.

"Ah. Teddy? Do you want to go to the mall or no?" You asked, "We can start getting you a newer wardrobe!"

Teddy nodded shyly and almost immediately, the three of you hopped in the car and went to the mall. Though Teddy was scared of being rejected by you and Todomatsu, she realized there was nothing to worry about.

The two of you were proud of your daughter and though you knew of the future potential struggles, the two of you promised to help your daughter through each and every one of them.

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now