Delivery Delima (Osomatsu x Pregnant!Reader)

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Hey! Sorry for my recent inactivity; I've been really busy! 

Trigger Warnings: Recommended abortions, premature birth, angst


You had heard many things about conceiving your own child over the years you'd been living. Everywhere you went, you'd see a family with their kids walking around and to be honest, you were kind of jealous. People always told you not to have a kid until you met someone you really loved and trusted to be a good parent to your child. So, that's what you ended up doing. At the end of high school, you met a man that you genuinely loved and cared for. Eventually, the two of you got married and of course, babies became a large topic between the two of you and his overzealous mother. You weren't against it one bit and soon enough, you were pregnant for the first time in your life. Pregnancy was both a blessing and a curse, as told by many women you knew that had kids of their own. Though in your case, it was more of a curse. It wasn't that you weren't excited that you were going to conceive beautiful children with the man you married and loved! Quite the opposite actually; you were ecstatic to be able to have kids call you "mommy"! It was just that you were concerned for things like your health and finances. It would all be worth it in the end though... right?

There were many problems with the pregnancy regarding multiple health issues with you, since you were carrying a butt load of babies. Your husband, Matsuno Osomatsu, was the eldest of his group of sextuplets. Thus, the gene for sextuplets was passed down onto him, giving whoever he got pregnant the possibility of having sextuplets. Unfortunately, that's what happened to you and you were stuck carrying six children inside your stomach. Your health didn't exactly respond well with this and you often found yourself in states of 'eclampsia' and 'hyperemesis gravidarum' as your doctor told you. To keep it simpler, the doctor summed it up as intense seizures and severe nausea in pregnancy.   

His mother, Matsuyo, had always told you horror stories of having the sextuplets and during pregnancy, so you weren't exactly calm regarding the six fetuses. You expressed your health issues to her, hoping that she would be able to relate to it and give advice. However, her issue was never as bad as yours and she refused to tell you how horrible your condition was. You were oblivious to what was happening. Your husband also knew of this and it killed him knowing that you and the babies' lives were at risk. Though, you didn't know this and similar to his mother, he didn't plan on telling you. You just figured it was normal during pregnancies, so you brushed it off as nothingness. Clearly, your over the top doctors visits and medical bills didn't phase you one bit. 

Due to your hefty amount of doctor's visits, you ended up getting fired from your job. This of course resulted in you and your husband losing your house since he didn't have a job at the time. The two of you weren't able to pay for all of the medical expenses which wasn't anything to be joyous about. Kindly, his mother allowed you two to move into her home with her, her husband, and Osomatsu's younger brothers. All of them ended up figuring out the delima in your pregnancy and yet again, you were oblivious. The boys ended up all getting jobs to help pay your bills (which was actually quite a shock).

Osomatsu worked at Pachinko Dragon since he was there most of the time anyways. He considered getting an additional job at an adult magazine shop, but decided that wasn't really a nice thing to do since the two of you were married. It didn't seem fair to work in a place with nude women's photos staring him down all day if he had you in his life.

Karamatsu ended up working at a music store to sell instruments to customers and even went as far as to give guitar lessons on his own time for extra cash. Music was his passion, so this job didn't come as a shock to anyone.

Choromatsu found himself employed at a bookstore which of course meant he sold books. It also happened to be the same bookstore that held adult magazines, though he didn't work in that part of the store. Since he went above and beyond in his everyday life, he received a second job at an anime merchandise store (much to his approval since he got discounts on Nyaa-chan merchandise).

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