Jealousy (Jealous!Osomatsu x Reader)

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Requested by ReneeAlbanez101


Matsuno Osomatsu had recently declared you as his girlfriend almost a year ago. You grew to love and cherish your boyfriend even though he could be a real douchebag. Eventually, you were introduced to his brothers which wasn't exactly tickling Osomatsu's fancy. But you insisted on meeting them, so he let you.

The minute you started talking to his brothers and not paying attention to him, he got upset though he didn't show it. Nobody needed to know he was jealous. Though to his brothers, it was obvious.

After you had met the brothers, you had loved them all, wanting Osomatsu to take you to visit them again and again.

It was a peaceful morning (as it starts out in every story) and you woke up cuddled into the chest of your boyfriend, Osomatsu. He was still asleep and you were hungry, so you decided to get up. However, he had a strong grip on you, rendering you unable to leave.

"Oso-kun.... I'm hungry!" You complained, poking his cheek.

A hum left his mouth and you glared at him. His grip got tighter.

"You asshole! I want my Captain Crunch!" You complained, playfully smacking him.

He snickered at you before opening his eyes and sticking his tongue out at you.

"Osomatsu! Please!" You pleaded, your stomach growling.

"You're cute when you beg...~" He said seductively.

"You're disgusting. Let go of me you pervert!" You spat, flicking his nose and trying not to laugh.

He finally gave in, laughing like the situation was the funniest thing he'd ever witnessed. You tried your best not to laugh along, as to not show surrender, so instead, you grabbed the cup of water on the nightstand and dumped it on his head.

"Payback, you asswipe!" You giggled as you sprinted out of the room, Osomatsu trying to get up and chase after you.

"THAT WASN'T NICE!" He yelled, tripping on a broom you had purposefully knocked over.

He eventually caught up to you, lifting you up above him, making you laugh harder than you were before. Letting you down onto the ground, he placed a kiss on the top of your head, pulling you close.

"I love you, Osomatsu!" You smiled.

He rubbed one finger under his nose and let out a chuckle. "Love you too....~ You're mine and only mine! All mine!"

"Ah. So possessive Mr. Osomatsu!" You teased.

"Not possessive. Just protecting what's mine. My sexy, lovely, girlfriend!"

Your face turned red. "Oh my gosh. Shut up! You sound as painful as your brother!"

"How dare you compare me to him? I am offended!"

Laughter escaped your mouth as you grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet for breakfast. Osomatsu tried his hardest not to be flustered by how cute you were: messy bed hair, tank top pulled down and showing some of your bra, and your always adorable laughter.

"You're so cute...." He said quietly and breathlessly.

"Aw! You too!" You smiled, making him flustered. He didn't think you had heard him. Then you remembered something you had been meaning to ask. "Are we still going to see your brothers today?"

He mentally groaned, hating when you went around his brothers. Osomatsu was jealous but of course he would never admit that to anybody, not even himself.

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now