Happy Birthday, (Y/n)! (Jyushimatsu x Reader)

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Oop my birthday is coming up on April 9th so I thought I'd write a birthday themed story .-.


"GOOOOODDDDD MORNING!!!!!!!!" The loud voice of your boyfriend boomed through your room, causing you to sit up and rub your eyes rather harshly.

The man's smile was present upon his child like face as usual. You couldn't help but to feel joyous just by looking at him.

"Happy birthday, (y/n)!!!" He cheered, as dashing up to your shared bed and pressing multiple kisses to your face. You giggled as he did this, feeling as though you already had a great start to your day.

That's what you adored about Matsuno Jyushimatsu: the fact that everything he did could make your entire day a million times better. Just a simple smile and kiss on the cheek would get you set for a positive day. He was a precious soul and he knew it too since you practically reminded him every day.

"Thank you, Jyushimatsu-Kun!" You cried out as you fully sat up in bed to hug him. Your hair was messy and tangled from laying in bed all night which your boyfriend found adorably appealing.

When the two of you were hugging, it felt as though neither one of you wanted to let go. But he eventually pulled away, smile even larger if possible (but you know, anything is possible with Jyushimatsu). Your face blew into hues of red and pink the longer he gazed into your eyes. The silence was comfortable yet at the same time, you desperately wanted sound.

"So is there anything fun you want to do today? I planned out a day of exciting things, but I didn't know if you wanted to go out and do stuff!" He cheered like a child, the latter seemingly amused with the thought of making your birthday the best day of your life. You hadn't had a boyfriend before Jyushimatsu asked you out eleven months prior to these events, so celebrating your birthday with someone that loved you seemed foreign.

"O-oh! You don't have to take me anywhere if it's just a hassle!" You insisted, waving your hands in front of you in a bit of panic. He simply chuckled and held your hand in his.

"It's no hassle! I love to take you places!" He paused for a moment, looking straight at you, "You're so cute!"

You turned away with an even brighter blush apparent on your face, "Thank you, Jyushimatsu....."

"No problem!" He pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek and started pulling your body out from under the covers. Your apparel made him a bit shocked since he didn't see what you had put on the night before. It wasn't anything fancy, just his shirt and a pair of his boxers. But, he liked it all in all seeing as how most guys enjoy their partners in their clothing.

He hugged your waist quickly before putting your slippers on your feet and guiding you out of your bed and room.

"Do you want a piggy back ride, (y/n)-chan?" He asked as he crouched down to your height. Seeing as he was already prepared to carry you on his back, you obliged and hopped onto him, wrapping your limbs around him to avoid falling.

He let out a hearty laugh as he carried you to the kitchen and sat you in a chair. The smell of pancakes, eggs, bacon, freshly cut fruit, and syrup met with your nose, making you moan in delight. You turned your head towards the counter to see Jyushimatsu making you a plate of food and you swore your heart felt as though is was melting. He was such a sweetie.

"Aww, Jyushi! You didn't have to make me breakfast!" You chuckled as he placed the plate in front of you, hugging you from behind.

"It's birthday breakfast!" He beamed, stabbing a candle into your pancake before lighting it on fire.

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