Osomatsu x Reader (High School AU)

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Okay so I saw a prompt on Tumblr and kinda twisted it around because it sounded cool.

Regular print whilst talking is Japanese and when words are in bold, they are English.


You smiled as you looked at your perfect report card. Straight A's! Getting straight A's wasn't a big surprise though; you had the highest grades in your school. What struck as odd to everyone though was how you were dating Matsuno Osomatsu who didn't have grades like you and didn't really put effort into anything. But you loved the dork so when people asked why you were with him, you said you "loved him for him, not the grades put on his papers".

Since you had gotten such good grades, you were accepted into the foreign exchange program and you knew for a fact you were going to partake in it. You studied English, so you decided to go to America. As much as you wanted to go to America for a semester, you knew it would make Osomatsu angry. But at the same time, you knew he wanted you to be happy, right?

'I'll tell him about it....' You thought as you tapped your pencil on your desk during the last few minutes of class. I mean he wouldn't be too mad..... right?

The bell rang and you sighed, leaving class and going to the school entrance to wait for Osomatsu. As usual, he took forever, so you took some time and planned out how you would tell him.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Your friend called out to you.

You waved her over and she asked how you were. Not wanting to be rude, you said you were good and told her about the foreign exchange program and how you were planning to tell your boyfriend. She smiled and congratulated you.

"I could help you practice how you're going to tell him! I'll be Oso! You be.... you!"

You nodded, determined.

"Osomatsu I have something to tell you!" You started, freaking out. "I'm leaving Japan."

Your friend shook her head. "Too unspecific. Give background."

You nodded and began to think. You were unaware of Osomatsu walking out and pausing to listen to your conversation.

"You can do it! Just pretend I'm Osomatsu!"

"Osomatsu..... Because of my grades, the foreign exchange program accepted me and I will be going to America for a semester." You paused. "How was tha-"

"Y-you're leaving?"

You snapped your head around to see Osomatsu who had tears going down his face.

"You're leaving me alone?"

Your friend dashed away.

Osomatsu walked up to you, rage and sadness in his eyes.

"I already have everything set up to go...." You whispered, wiping his cheeks.

"You didn't even ask how I felt about it!" He backed himself away from you.

"I was scared, Osomatsu! I didn't want to make you upset! But I guess that failed....."

He held back a sob and pulled you close to him, your body pressed up against his.

"How long....?" He mumbled, trying not to look like a baby.

"A semester. So almost 20 weeks. About 140 days....." You replied, starting to cry yourself as you clutched onto the back of his hoodie.

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now