That Damn Cat (Ichimatsu x Shy!Reader)

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Requested by pleasedontbetaken78

I found that photo on google images so credit to whoever drew it.

I actually cried while writing this and idk why. It's kinda late so I get really emotional at night (idk what the heck)

Ichimatsu may seem OOC or whatever, but I just wrote him how I think he'd act in a situation like this.

How you even found yourself in your current circumstance wasn't even known to you. One minute, everyone was partaking in their accustomed activities and then the next, everyone was silent and staring at you, Ichimatsu, and his beloved ESP kitty.

Let's back up a bit shall we?

You tapped on the front door of the Matsuno household rather lightly, almost barely audible. It was typical however due to the fact that you weren't really a loud person in the first place. The Matsuno brothers were always aware of this and paid special attention to small sounds when they knew you were coming over.

Upon hearing a round of faint clicks on the door, Karamatsu stood up from his spot to answer the door. In the process, Ichimatsu shoved the blue man aside to get to the door first. The fourth oldest wanted to be the one to greet you first since the others usually greeted you in intimidating confidence. Ichimatsu wouldn't do that though; he would usually just say "hi", wave, and let you in the home. He did the same thing this time as well.

"Hey (y/n)..." He welcomed in a monotone voice, his usual timid wave given to you.

"H-hi...." You replied as to not be rude, walking inside the home once he gestured for you to enter.

Ichimatsu took your shoes for you and placed them on the mat before taking your coat as well with shaky hands. The poor boy was trying so hard to be a gentleman. The other five hadn't noticed that you were actually in the house until they saw a blob of a (f/c) sweater in their peripheral vision. You of course were only paying to Ichimatsu who was making shy conversation with you, so you didn't see when the others looked your way.

The five men shouted your name in excitement which caught you off guard, making you back up a bit. Unfortunately for you, you tripped on a mahjong tile and fell backwards, almost hitting the ground. Just like every cliche result when this happens, you were caught by someone before you could completely hit the ground. You let out a breath you were holding when you slipped and looked up at Ichimatsu who had caught you.

"T-thanks..." You mumbled anxiously, standing up so he wouldn't have to be in physical contact with you.

He nodded before looking at the others with a stern face, "You know she's very jumpy about loud sounds, so shut up."

You stared at your feet as he said this, hating that you were now the center of attention and that you were the reason Ichimatsu was angered with the others. You violently squeezed your arm which was a habit you had formed to calm yourself (though it didn't do very well for your poor arm as it sometimes left nail marks threatening to bleed). Ichimatsu had noticed this habit from the start and absolutely loathed it, not wanting to see you so hard on yourself. He grabbed the hand that you were using to squeeze the arm with and placed it at your side.

"Sorry, (y/n)! The five said in unison, making you bob your head up and down slightly.

They all returned to their game of mahjong except for Ichimatsu who took you to the corner of the room. The two of you just sat there for a while, not really speaking at all. Ichimatsu was playing with ESP kitty who had jumped through the window and into his lap.

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now