Dystopia (Karamatsu x Reader)

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It had been two decades since the law was passed, so almost your entire life you had to deal with this horrific rule. As a child, it seemed hard to follow due to the fact that you would always play with other kids and such. Middle school and High School years were okay for you, since you saw no point in not following this strictly enforced rule. This was because you had nobody that would break the rule with you and the fact that you were too shy to even initiate the breakage of the law. Once you turned 20, all of that changed back to the way it was when you were little. You had met someone and you couldn't understand why, but every time you were with this person, it was getting harder and harder to avoid the orders.

The confusing thing, what was the law and why did it exist in the first place?

Two decades ago, a law was passed that banned any physical contact. The government went to extreme measures to prevent it. You didn't necessarily know why, but you were just raised to not touch anyone. There were cameras everywhere. They were hidden in homes, bathrooms, out in public, and pretty much any location one could go. Of course, there were select places that weren't monitored, but nobody would ever dare to go to those places. Plus there was security guards surrounding those places anyways.

Last time you checked, the fee for physical contact was 65,000,000 yen (quite a high amount).

Now, back to the issue at hand. As sad before, you had met someone who made it quite difficult to follow the rules against physical contact. You also made it hard for them to abide by as well.

Who was this person? You had been having a relationship with a man by the name of Matsuno Karamatsu. Your boyfriend was a very affectionate man as were you towards him and as said before, not touching one another was the hardest thing to do. He always tries his best to make up for it in his words, though both of you knew it wouldn't ever be enough. Both of you were desperate for something as simple as a quick hug or peck on the cheek in the mornings. However, that wouldn't ever happen.

Or would it?

You woke up one morning with violent shivering since it was cold in the night (no blankets were allowed on shared beds so the couples couldn't touch each other from under the blanket). Karamatsu felt your shivering from his side of the bed, causing him to wake up as well. The man rubbed his eyes and looked over at you as you scrambled out of bed to grab a throw blanket off the floor. As long as he wasn't using the blanket at the same time, you could use it to your heart's content.

He looked at you with pity as he watched you attempt to stay warm, rummaging through your closet for sweatpants and a hoodie. His face flushed as he watched you undress out of your shorts and tank top to put on thicker clothes. The fact that you put on one of his hoodies made him blush even harder. Oh how the poor man just wanted to kiss you. Seeing you in his clothes drove him insane.

"Good morning, my darling...!" He sleepily greeted through a yawn.

"Good morning!" You smiled.

Noticing he was rather cold himself, he arose out of the bed as well and threw on another one of his hoodies and some thick sweatpants as you had. He gave you a smile and a wink.

"My sweet, if I knew where these cameras were hidden, I'd break each and every one just to kiss you..." He confessed breathlessly, still in awe of you in his hoodie.

Luckily the cameras didn't pick up audio.

"I'd do the same if I could..." You agreed, reaching out for his hand, only to retract it in realization. Your smile faltered quite a bit, Karamatsu noticing and making him wish even more for a touch.

"One day I promise... I swear on everything I have and on my life that one day, I will get to hold you in my arms and show you how much I love you without words. I promise..." He told, tearing up a bit.

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now