Please Remember (Jyushimatsu x Pregnant!Amnesiac!Reader)

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This was requested by Minty_Hyo ! They requested an amnesiac!Reader but I made Reader-Chan pregnant just to add more angst.

Sorry for all the angst that has been coming out lately. I have two one-shots for Karamatsu and Todomatsu that I will be working on that I have been meaning to do for a while. And they aren't depressing :'D

Also, requests will be closed until further notice. Not for too long though. I just have a few things other than writing I want to work on and a few of my own one shot ideas as well.

(B/n)= Baby's name

It was like a nightmare come true for Jyushimatsu; the girl he loved couldn't even recall a single memory of them. Not their first date, not their wedding, and not even the moment they found out she was pregnant. Nothing. He knew it was his fault you had forgotten everything and knew that getting you to remember would be impossible.

About 7 months after finding out you were pregnant, you were woken up from your slumber by a familiar voice.


Hearing the loud greeting from your husband, you rubbed your eyes and sat up, stretching. Jyushimatsu's face turned unbelievably red as he looked at you. Messy hair, a bit sweaty, and all around adorable.

"K-kawaii....~" He mumbled to himself, mesmerized by how cute you looked.

"Ah. Good morning, Jyushimatsu-Kun!" You beamed, standing up and hugging your husband, making him laugh happily.

He got quiet, his mouth now a closed-mouth smile as he placed his hands on your stomach. His future son was in there and it was unbelievable to him.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked with a calmness to him.

You nodded with a smile and placed your hands over his.

"What about the baby? Was he restless again?" Jyushimatsu asked with a laugh.

"Yeah. He kept kicking while I was trying to sleep. Silly little guy....." you smiled as you rubbed your stomach.

Jyushimatsu couldn't help but gush at your response; he knew you would be the best mommy. "DO YOU WANNA GO PLAY BASEBALL?!?!"

A giggle emitted from your mouth at his question; he was simply too pure. Though you couldn't exactly play baseball, you would always go along with him to the park and watch him practice. Since he made it onto the city league, he's been practicing even more than usual.

"I would love to watch you play again!" You said as a genuine grin spread across your face once again.

"Yay! Baseball! Baseball! Muscle muscle! Hustle hustle!"

"Do you want to stop for breakfast on the way, Jyushi-Kun? We could go see your brother at Sutabaa!" You offered, grabbing your purse that was hanging on the bedroom door.

"Yay! Totty-otouto!" He cheered, excited to see his little brother.

A giggle was let out from you after seeing the excitement that your husband gave regarding his younger sibling.

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now