Devil!Choromatsu x Reader

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Requested by matsu_mono 

I hope this was okay!


Nervousness flooded through your veins as you entered the bathroom. You believed you were completely prepared for what you were about to do: you were going to summon a demon. There was a spell that you had found in which you would say and one of six demons would show up. According to the legends, the six possible demons that would show up were sextuplets.

One was a perverted jerk based off of what you read and he was supposedly the demon of lust (you definitely hoped he wouldn't be the one to show up).

The second eldest sounded pretty flirtatious but also sounded like he tries too hard. He was supposedly the demon of desperateness. He sounded very...... painful.

The third eldest (who didn't sound that bad) was very wise and not evil like his 5 counterparts. This one was the demon of knowledge and respect. He sounded more like an angel, but you didn't question it. He also liked a bunch of human things like anime and idols, which you could relate to.

The fourth eldest was a sad and loner-type kind of guy who for some reason loved cats. He was known as the demon of darkness, as he caused sadness and pain to people in the world. You were curious to know if he enjoyed the infliction of pain he had to perform on others or if he hated bringing people down.

The fifth eldest was very hyperactive and always wore a smile on his face (once again, someone who could be considered an angel) and loved baseball. However, his happiness could be too overwhelming, giving him the title of the demon of hyperactivity.

The youngest of the six demons however, sounded horrifying. He supposedly was two faced and deceiving. Thus, he was the demon of manipulation. You didn't want him at all.

Out of all of the six possible demons that could show up, you wanted the third eldest, demon of knowledge and respect. He seemed nice.

You sighed as you placed your three candles on your countertop by the sink.  After turning out the light, you took your lighter and one by one lit the candles with a flame until you had 6 burning candles. Knowing what came next, you gulped.

Your hand clutched around the base of the small knife before you made a slice in your palm. Blood began to trickle down your hand, but you paid no mind to it. You began the chant which was in fact a real tongue twister in your opinion. You had to repeat the same three words six hundred sixty six times:

"Six sextuplet demons...."

It took you a while to say it 666 times, but eventually, you finished and were left standing in front of the mirror, staring at your reflection. Nothing was happening.

"Did I miss one? I couldn't have! I counted!" You asked the mirror. "Did I miss a step?"

Then you remembered.

"Oh yeah!"

You realized you had forgotten the last and final step: to slice the palm opposite of the first one sliced. So, you did and it hurt. Blood once again ran down your newly cut palm and the first one was still bleeding a bit as well. You cringed in pain and once again stared at the mirror. Then, you left the candles  burning and left the room, going to the couch to watch anime. Your hands continued bleeding and despite how much you wanted to clean them, you couldn't because then the spell wouldn't work.

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