Colorless Soulmates (Osomatsu x Foreign!Reader)

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This is in a soulmate AU

1. the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.

For as long as you could really remember, everything had been in black and white - multiple shades of gray. But not once in your life had you ever seen a color. It seemed as though you were alone even though so many people were the same as you. For in your world, everyone saw the same monotone pallet of gray until they met their soulmate. Or so you'd been told.

It freaked you out to an extent, your parents always gawking over everything they saw and trying to describe how it looked to you. You tried not to let it get to you, but it kind of did since you had a mass amount of self doubt. If you were supposed to see color once you saw your soulmate for the first time, then why had everyone else your age begun to see hues and not you? Everyone seemed to be meeting their matches but you were just left in the dust. All your friends were off married with their soulmates and you were left alone, wondering if you were ever going to meet someone.

Your parents knew of this and even though they felt bad for you, they themselves found it rather humiliating and did everything they could to help you out. They set you up on blind dates, took you to multiple crowded events, traveled different countries with you, and so many over the top things just in hopes of finding your partner.

At this point, they believed you were just color blind. Though when taken to the doctor for an evaluation, that was proven otherwise.

You just hadn't met your person yet.

But, was there even a person for you?

You desperately hoped there was and you'd been fantasizing about it since you were a young child, so of course not having met them by now made you concerned.

One morning, you woke up to some screaming and giggling outside your home. Knowing it was just the local children playing in the streets, you chose to ignore them and get up anyways. Normally, you'd sleep more, but it was already 2 in the afternoon and sleeping all day wouldn't be a very wise choice when you had things you could do.

So, you did something productive and left your home (after changing and getting ready for your day of course!). The day was actually pretty lovely despite how hot it had been recently. The air was a fine temperature, so you weren't scorching hot. Even if it had been burning hot, you had a handful of things to do that day.

You were finally moving out of your parents home that day and you were ecstatic!

So whilst they were at work, you made it your duty to go purchase postal tickets to ship your belongings to your new home in a rural town in Japan.

You made your way down the sidewalk with your small backpack hung over one shoulder and a singular earbud in your ear. The sidewalks weren't overbearingly populated by other people, but there was definitely a fair amount of humans trying to get stuff done.

Knowing you had everything packed in boxes and a scheduled flight for you and your belongings, you were satisfied with how everything was working out. All you needed to do was get the postal tickets, put them on your boxes, and then take the boxes to the post office where they would fly them to your new location. Your parents were generous enough to pay an extra fee for your stuff to arrive at your home the next day after your flight. That way, you'd have everything set to go.

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