Dr.Churro (Choromatsu x Sick! Reader)

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(Y/n) - Your name
(F/S) - Favorite show
(B/F/N) - Best Friend's Name


You rest in your bed, clutching your favorite plushie and nuzzling your face into your pillow. A sniffle could be heard from your nose and you took that as a sign to rid of any snot gathered inside it.

To say you were sick would be an understatement. You were EXTREMELY ill (or at least that is how you thought of it). Your body was practically hidden in a pile of used tissues.

You were disgusted with the feeling of being snotty and weak. Nothing was good about the situation.

And it would only get worse.

A loud ring snapped you out of your rest. You immediately felt anger towards whoever decided to interrupt your attempt to sleep.

More ringing.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" You screeched once you clicked answer - not even caring to see who called.

You began going into a coughing fit.

"I-I was just calling to check up on you...... I haven't seen you l-lately....."

Crap. It was Choromatsu. You scared him.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell!" You continued on, apologizing and feeling embarrassed.

More coughing.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

But, you were still coughing.

"Umm hang on....."

The line went dead.

Eventually, the coughing stopped and you sighed from relief. You closed out of your calling app and began to scroll through your social media.

"Oh. I see Karamatsu got some new sparkly pants....." You whispered to yourself. They were somehow more sparkly than his previous pair.

You wondered how (B/F/N) was so in love with that dork.

You blew your nose.

A photo of Totoko at a party popped up in your feed.

You rolled your eyes. Why was she even in your feed? You hated her!

The scrolling continued and you were met with many photos of your internet friends, (B/F/N), the sextuplets, and-

"OHMAGOSH THE NEW EPISODE OF (F/S) IS OUT!!!!!" You squealed once you saw the news.

As you can guess, more coughing.

You quickly clicked the play button and began engrossing yourself in the show to the point where you didn't hear a knock at the door.

  - Choromatsu's POV-

I sighed, knocking on (y/n)'s door, awaiting a response. After waiting for a few minutes and not being answered, I placed the bag I brought onto the ground and began searching for the spare key.

My fingers traced on the top of the door's frame and clutched the key once it was felt.

After unlocking the door, I put the key back, grabbed my bag, and entered the house.

"Hey. Are you here? It's me. C-choro....." I spoke as I placed a surgical mask over my mouth as to not be infected.

I'd perfered to not die from whatever illness (y/n) was suffering from.

I trotted towards the bedroom only to see (y/n) looking at some video.

"H-hey...." I said, poking her forehead.

She screamed and flinched back, her phone flying into the air.

  - Your POV-

A tap on your shoulder scared the crap out of you and caused you to flinch. You glared at the intruder and then sneezed on them. On accident of course.

"AHHH GROSS!" Said intruder yelled as he wiped himself off.

"Sorry, Churro....." You coughed before laughing at him.

He sighed and just stared at you.

"Earth to Fappyski....." You waved your hands in front of the frog- man.

"H-hey! Don't call me that! Anyways, what's wrong?"

"I have a cold...."

"Okay. Then, I bought the correct medicine! Doctor Choromatsu will make you all better!" He smiled as he began digging through his bag.

You tried not to laugh at his "Doctor Choromatsu" sentence. What a dork.

He pulled out some cherry flavored liquid medicine. You immediately gagged.

"Noooo......." You whined.

Choromatsu began putting some into the syringe as you continued gagging. He finished and gestured for you to take the medicine from him. You responded with a fierce shake of your head.

"Come on.... Just take it...."

"Ewww no way!" You shoved the medicine away from him.

"Do I have to force you to take it?" He asked, annoyed.

"Sttooopppp! Cherry is nasty!"

"(Y/n)! Seriously! Cut it out and take it!"

He climbed on the bed and sat on your stomach, blushing furiously. Attempts were made in order to get the medicine in your mouth, but nothing worked.

"Fine. I am done....." He crossed his arms, still on top of you.


"Can I have a kiss then?" He questioned, taking off the surgical mask.

He looked like Ichimatsu with it on. You shrugged and he leaned down to your mouth, your eyes closing.

But, you weren't met with his lips. Rather, an awful tasting liquid.

The medicine.

"Don't you dare spit it out. Swallow your medicine." Choromatsu said, a serious tone of voice.

You obliged, hesitantly. A cringe was visible on your face as the nasty drug streamed down your throat.

"That was mean, Choromatsu!" You scolded.

Choromatsu felt bad but knew he had done the right thing. He frowned as he moved off of your stomach and laid next to you.

"Sorry. I just want you to get better...."

You grabbed your water and began gulping it down in hopes of removing the faux cherry taste from your mouth.

The two of you rest in silence for a few minutes until you spoke up.

"It is rude to say you are going to kiss me and not do it."

He looked at you from the corner of his eye. "That's gross. You are sick. No w-"

You kissed him deeply with an evil smirk on your face. He pulled his head away from you and laughs escaped your lips.

"NASTY! Now I am going to be sick!" He rubbing his lips dramatically. "That was cruel!"

"Not as cruel as tricking me!"

Choromatsu proceeded to scream like a little girl as he ran out of your apartment, wiping his mouth as he did so.

"What a dork...."

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