Why not Celebrate? (Matsunos x Birthday!Reader)

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They were celebrated once a year by many to commemorate another year of life lived by a person. Some viewed it as another year closer to death, which was both pessimistic and truthful. You however remained neutral on the topic, not seeing the point in celebrating and just seeing birthdays as pointless. As a kid, your birthday was never celebrated much by your parents and friends, so you didn't see a reason to do so as you went into adulthood. Nobody even knew your birthday, so it's not like it mattered and you didn't have the urge to tell anyone about the "special" day. Hell, even you forgot about it sometimes.

Not much of a surprise, but despite today being your birthday, you completely forgot. So, it was just like any other day for you. Your best friends had invited you over to their house as they usually did since they were lonely sextuplets NEETs. Of course, you were no better, so you obliged, agreeing to go over to their house. So, you put on an oversized hoodie despite the fact that it was hot outside, shorts, and tennis shoes before you made your way to their home.

You chuckled to yourself. Was this actually your life? Every day you woke up and you either went to their house or they came to yours. It was the same old routine every single day of your life. You were for sure that it wouldn't ever change, at least not for a long while. The boys seemed eager to make things different since they noticed you were kind of bored, so they'd try a multitude of things: throw parties on random holidays, sneak you into the movies with them, and sometimes they'd even ask you out. You'd politely decline.

Eventually, you noticed that you had actually walked past the Matsuno household by a few houses since you were lost in thought. You mentally slapped yourself and turned back around, walking for a good 30 seconds back onto their front porch. As usual, you stood there for a moment after knocking, waiting for them to answer the door. A minute or two later, it was finally opened and you were met with the six faces that you had grown to remember.

"GOOD MORNING, (Y/N)-CHAN!!!" The six men screamed in unison as a greeting.

You cringed at the volume and covered one ear, making them apologize once they realized how loud they were. Simply, you passed it off as being okay and made you way inside the home, following them back to their living room where they were playing a random game called "Twister". They offered for you to join in on the dotted mat, but you didn't want to be a victim of their antics, so you took Choromatsu's place as the spinner and called out the colors instead.

You spun the wheel, holding back laughs as the brothers struggled to maintain their poses.

"Left foot blue!" You called out, watching in horror as Ichimatsu violently kicked the second eldest in the face, causing the blue man to fall.

"BURUZZA! How could you do such a thing?" Karamatsu questioned, rubbing the spot that had been kicked. Some blood was seeping out of his nose, but he quickly wiped it away, genuinely looking like he was about to cry.

"She said left foot blue. So I put my left foot on blue."

Todomatsu laughed at the reply, falling from the laughter and knocking over Jyushimatsu in the process. The two youngest and the second eldest looked at you for a determination of who was out. You chuckled darkly as you eyed the men.

"All three of you are out. So that leaves the generic one, the weeaboo, and the furry left in the game!" You cheered, the three remaining boys making sounds of offendedness and disapproval regarding the nicknames.

Choromatsu trembled, not being able to hold the position. Long story short, he fell off the mat, rendering him out of the game. He pouted and took a seat beside the youngest two of his brothers. The two made fun of him for having no body strength, but he was too lazy to move over beside his other brother. Todomatsu eventually stopped making fun of the third eldest and went on his phone, scrolling through Instagram.

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