Loner's Lottery (Casino!Ichimatsu x Reader)

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I'm on summer vacation now, so that means more updates!


You sighed yet again as you made your way down the path around the cruise ship you were on. You'd meant to have a peaceful vacation by yourself, but you quickly realized your fault in choosing to stay alone. To say you were bored was an understatement and quite frankly, you were tired of being on the ship despite only being on it for a day. Three days to go. So feeling lonely, you'd done almost everything you could on the ship: eat, go to the club on board, and you even got drunk with foreign variations of vodka. There were a lot of sweet people on the ship, but you met them when they were drunk, so you assumed they weren't the same sober.

Today you decided to visit a part of the ship that you hadn't yet: the casino. The small fear that angry drunk people throwing tokens around made you avoid going previously. But, you'd visited every other place and quite frankly, you were bored.

You sat on your small bed in your ship cabin, groaning as you saw the same movie repeat itself on the TV for the millionth time. As much as you loved the movie, it was starting to get on your nerves and tick you off. Seeing as how you promised yourself a trip to the casino while you had the chance. So, you did just that. Hastily, you slipped on a pair of shoes and moved your hair out of your face before grabbing your wallet. With that, you left the cabin and made your way to the elevators. There were a few other people waiting as well, mainly some couples and their bratty children that kept screaming. Not wanting to be in an elevator with such annoying fetuses, you made your way down 9 flights of stairs to get to where you wanted to go.

Eventually, you began to to smell cigarettes, signaling that you were close to the casino. Excitement started to flow through you though you couldn't exactly put your finger on why. You pushed the feeling down and made your way over to a gambling table that allowed a two player activity of whatever card game they desired.

Most people were playing with their friends but since you didn't have any with you, you took a seat in front of a casino employee. He looked up at you with half lidded eyes, making you feel slightly unwanted.

"Are you here to play a card game or something?" He questioned, voice low and raspy. You quirked a brow.

"I mean I guess that's what I'm doing if I sat here...?"

The man shrugged and pulled out a deck of cards, shuffling them for what seemed like hours. "Why is someone like you here alone? Don't you have friends?"

"N-not with me here...!" You nervously chuckled, pulling out you wallet and handing him 5000 yen in exchange for gambling tokens,

"Hm. Such a shame..." He paused a moment and placed the freshly shuffled deck in the middle of the green velvet table. "What card game would you like to play?"

You froze, realizing you didn't know any casino card games. So with an embarrassed expression, you hit your lip and looked down, saying, "I only know how to play Go Fish..."

He snickered at you, though it didn't phase you in the slightest. You had a drink before you decided to come, so you were a tad bit tipsy. Not too much to where you'd make bad decisions, but just enough to where you didn't take shit from anyone.

"Are you serious?" He asked, passing out the cards in preparation to play the requested game.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" You retaliated, half serious and half witty with your reply. His eyes widened for a second before returning to their original stance.

Once the cards were dealt out, he explained that for each match you received, you'd get one token. The two of you agreed that one token would equal 1000 yen and that whoever won would receive their deserved yen and the yen from the losing opponent.

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now