The Pawn's Queen (Todomatsu x TwoFaced!ChessPlayer!Reader)

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I know absolutely nothing about chess.


You yawned as you defeated yet another chess player. It of course was no surprise to you since you had been undefeated for 4 years straight. Your opponent sighed and walked away into the crowd to watch the final match. The fans cheered for you as they watched you receive your 9th medal for that day at the Japan Chess Tournament. You stood up from your seat on the bench and stretched out wide to rid of muscle tension from excessive sitting. You had played multiple matches that day, each one lasting about 30-45 minutes. Little did you know that your next and final match would take much longer.

A photographer and a few paparazzi came up and took photos and asked questions an how you felt about being chosen for finals. You sweetly smiled at the cameras and answered all their questions as nicely as possible. From a distance, your next competitor watched you answer everything so kindly.

"She seems really sweet!" He thought to himself as he adjusted his pink tie.

"(Y/N)! DO YOU THINK YOU'LL WIN FINALS?" One of the interviewers asked.

You giggled, "I have no clue! But it doesn't matter anyways! I'm here to have fun and meet people!"

The fans and cameramen let out 'awe's in response to your comment. The judges and security shooed everyone away to clear the area for the final match. The announcer cleared his throat.

"OKAY AND NOW IT'S TIME FOR THE TOKYO CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS!" The announcer said with a smile as he looked at you and your opponent, "(y/n (l/n) versus Todomatsu Matsuno! This is going to be the biggest match in history!"

The people in the park screamed in cheered, excited to see the final match between you and your competition. Both you and Todomatsu were rated at the very top of the chess player rankings for not just Japan. Rather, the two of you were at the top world rankings. So, quite a chess match was quite exciting for not only the two of you, but for all fans and chess players that looked up to you. Whoever won this match would be crowned World Champion and earn a whopping prize of 150,000 yen!

The judges winked at the two of you as you made your way over to the table where the match would take place. Fans were quivering with excitement and desperately wanted to know who was going to win.

"Matsuno Todomatsu! Nice to meet you!" He greeted as you two sat, holding out his hand.

You chuckled nervously and used your thumb and index finger to grab one of his fingers, moving it up and down.

"Nice to meet you too. (Y/n) (l/n)!" You told as you let go of his finger.

"Why not shake my whole hand?" He questioned, eyeing you closely.

"I've been playing for years, Matsuno-San. I know the tricks and hacks people use to make themselves win. Though to me it's rather obvious," You paused, "If you're going to do something like that in a competition, don't do it in finals. Just for the sake of not getting disqualified! It's very unprofessional."

"Clever girl...."

"I know!"

"Hm. Best of luck to you!"

You chuckled darkly and smirked at the man.

"It's not like I need luck anyways to go against you. It's not like you're going to beat me!" You laughed, already tasting the sweet gift of victory, "Get ready to lose, Matsuno. There's nothing else to expect!"

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