Singing Here for You (Ichimatsu x Shy!Reader)

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Ichimatsu awoke rather early one morning for reasons he at first didn't know. Normally, he slept in late into the hours of noon, though he didn't mind waking up that late. He didn't exactly mind waking up this early either, but he would've preferred more sleep. However, he did go to bed early last night since a certain someone was tired and didn't want to sleep alone. This certain someone was no other than you, (y/n) (l/n), and Ichimatsu couldn't help but notice your lacking presence in the bed. It was typical however since you usually woke up early to do chores and make food for your husband.


Ichimatsu loved that word though it confused him greatly. He was your husband of all people; he was yours and you were his. Even after four years, he still refused to believe it. You were perfect and as far as he knew, he couldn't match up even though you protested against that. To him, you were a gift sent down from heaven, his own personal angel and he couldn't bring himself to believe that he had gotten so lucky.

He curled up to attempt to sleep only to hear what he assumed was what woke him up in the first place. A very faint melodic tune was coming from the kitchen, just outside the bedroom. It seemed odd since you never played music in the mornings since he was usually asleep. You'd usually wait until he was out of the bedroom to turn on your music, so it made no sense. He realized there were no instrumentals, so it couldn't have been a song playing off of your phone. Then, it hit him that maybe it was you singing. It shocked him since he'd never heard you sing before and he knew you loved to, but you were always too timid to sing for him. He wondered if you sang to yourself every morning while he slept.

With that in mind, Ichimatsu quietly stretched and made his way out of bed, rubbing his eyes in the process. He didn't bother putting on any pants but did put on a shirt, leaving him in that and his purple boxers. Putting on his slippers, he silently made his way to the bedroom door and cracked it open a bit, allowing himself to get out of the room in minimal space. Your singing had become more clear to him and he was absolutely intrigued. You sounded like an angel to him.

He stepped lightly over to the kitchen where your back was faced to him as you made breakfast. The poor man could barely fight the smile slowly creeping on his face as he listened to you sing. Usually, you'd criticize your singing and never sing for him, but hearing you sing made him disprove any negative statement about your voice. You sounded gorgeous. When you stopped singing the song you'd been keeping in tune with, he frowned a bit. That didn't last long however since you soon started singing another song. This one was a song his second eldest brother had introduced the two of you to at your wedding.

 "The long and winding road, that leads, to your door
Will never disappear, I've seen that road before....                                                                                                  It always leads me here, lead me to your door ~"

Ah, the song that the two of you constantly lived by, the one that told even though relationships would have hardships and insecurities, the two of you shouldn't ever let each other go and lead each other to happiness and content in the relationship. The song did indeed sound rather depressing, but Ichimatsu kept it as a message to never lose hope on you. He didn't plan to lose you anyways and the very thought of you leaving made him want to cry. You were the best thing to ever happen to him and he wanted to keep you around as long as he could.

"The wild and windy night, that the rain, washed away
Has left a pool of tears, crying for the day
Why leave me standing here, let me know the way..."

Ichimatsu smiled to himself, listening as you sang your favorite line of the song. You'd described your love for the quote to him once and even though it was so long ago, he'd always remember what you said about it. You loved how the verse said if there was an opportunity to fix things, then the opportunity should be taken advantage of, hence "let me know the way".  Noticing the food was done, you stopped singing, much to Ichimatsu's disappointment. He frowned again and stepped into the kitchen, causing you to flinch when you spotted him.

"Ah! How long have you been in here?" You panicked, praying he hadn't heard you sing.

"Enough to hear you sing..." He didn't want to lie.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry! I sounded horrible! Sorry! I-"

"Shut up. 'Can't sing' my ass, (y/n). You must be deaf if you can't hear how good you are." He suddenly felt more confident than ever, feeling the need to prove to you how amazing you were. It wasn't like him to do this, but the two of you'd been married for a while and he was slowly warming up to it. He knew you had insecurities, so he did his best to prove how worth it you were. "Don't you remember my vow to you?"

You were silent, so he pulled out a worn slip of loose leaf paper. He coughed and began to read his vows off the paper.

"I'm just so happy that I am with you. I can imagine us growing old together, spending our lives together. Any challenges we may have we will overcome. You are the most wonderful and amazing person I know. You may not always see what I see in you, but I promise that everything amazing I see in you is what makes you you. You are genuinely caring, funny, act like a goofball, loving, beautiful, cute, and so much more. I know I can be cheesy like my painful older brother  by asking you if you know how much I love you, but I never say how much I do. This is me saying that you are my one and only, the love of my life. I love you." 

Somehow he managed to say that with his usual flat facial expression. Hearing the wedding words made you flustered yet again. Not knowing how to reply, you buried your face into his chest, face aflame. 

It was silent for a while before he spoke up again.

"You sound like an angel so shut up and believe me."

You laughed into his chest nervously and the two of you stood in that position for a while before you realized the food was getting cold.

It was truly a memorable morning and a reminder of his love for you. You loved Ichimatsu.

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