Complimentary Compliments (Shy!Reader x Karamatsu)

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Requested by MooseFlavoredPringle ! I'm so sorry this took forever!


It was yet another night in Japan with you and your boyfriend cuddled up on the roof of his home, star gazing. The weather outside was rather nice and the people walking on the sidewalks below added to the serene feeling of the atmosphere. The man whom was leaning on the top of your head, had his arm around your waist and a light blush across his cheeks.

This man, who was named Karamatsu, had been lucky to call you his for about eight months and he couldn't be any more content. He constantly smothered you in affection and as much love as he could possibly muster, wanting to make sure you knew how loved you were. You however didn't respond to this very well at all. It wasn't that you hated the affection, but you were incredibly timid and kept to yourself, so attention wasn't necessarily your forte. With every compliment he gave you, you'd be so thankful, yet you shied away from the love.

With a loving smile spread across his smooth features, Karamatsu used his free hand to cup your cheek and make you look him in the eyes.

His gorgeous eyes.

"Your eyes outshine every star in the universe, my love! For not one star can even compare to your beauty! Everyday with you is a blessing and just seeing you gives me unstoppable feelings of buoyancy and glee!" Your boyfriend said as he held you close to him.

Your face went crimson and you covered it with your hands, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Why are you hiding your face, my darling? There is no need to shy away! You have the most gorgeous face of all, so don't conceal yourself!" The man grasped your wrists with the lightest touch of touches. He proceeded to move your hands away before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.

He pulled away, your breathing heavy and face even more cherry-colored than before. Karamatsu offered a genuine smile and chuckled at the sight of a flustered (y/n) as he watched you fiddle with your fingers.

The sight of you in such a vulnerable state made his heart swell and burst.

"G-goddamnit..... You're so beautiful...." He spoke quietly and breathlessly, eyes wide.

With an embarrassed sound, you hid your face into the man's chest, making him adjust his position on the roof. Karamatsu would've been lying if he said he didn't almost have a heart attack right then and there.

'She's so cute!' He thought to himself as he laid down with your body on top of his. Your chin was propped up on his chest, allowing for you to look at him.

"Thank you, Karamatsu....~" You said in reply to his previous compliments, still a bit flustered over it.

With your face aflame, you shyly made your way to hold his hand. Even after all the time the two of you had been together, you were still rather cautious when it came to physical contact in fear that the man wouldn't like it. That and the fact that you were just really nervous.

Your blue clad lover sensed your troubles and chuckled as he weaved his fingers with yours, now fully holding your hand in his.

"I love you, my (y/n)! More than words could even hope to express!" He proclaimed as he used his free hand to play with your hair, a shiver running down your spine at the tender gesture.

"I love you too...!" You replied, almost scared to say it back.

In a state of sleepiness yet comfort, you delicately moved your head to where your cheek rest against his chest. Slowly but surely, you closed your eyes.

"Are you tired, my honey?" Your boyfriend asked as he lifted his head to look at you.

You nodded and sighed, shifting your weight slightly.

"Shall we reschedule our date?" He asked, making you freak out.

"H-holy crap! I'm sorry! I completely forgot!" You said, tears starting to form in your eyes as you sat up.

It was Karamatsu's turn to panic once he saw you tearing up. Quickly, he moved to where he was sitting up with you and pulled your body close to his.

"No! No! No! Do not cry my sweet! Please don't cry! It's okay! You're too beautiful for me to see you cry!" He gently rocked you back and forth in hopes of calming you down.

"I-I'm sorry!" You softly rubbed your eyes to rid of the water that covered your eyes.

"There's no reason to cry! We can do it tomorrow! Anytime with you is time well spent! No matter when it is!" He reassured you.

You bit your lip.

"N-no! I promised you we could get ice cream tonight! Let's go!" You pulled on his hand with a small amount of force.

"But my dearest! You're tired no? We should go to bed if you are sleepy!" His eyes looked up to meet yours as you stood.

"But you and I planned to go get ice cream! D-don't you wanna go?" You asked as your voice got softer towards the end.

"Yes of course, my angel! But you need to sleep!"

Knowing Karamatsu wanted to go on that date but also wanted you to sleep, you fiddled with your clothes in thought.

"But it's only 20:00..." You pointed out to the man.

He quirked a brow and sighed, "Would you rather go get ice cream or go to sleep? You look very tired and I don't want you to lose sleep because of me! I'd be more than glad to go to bed if that's what you want and need! So I think we should- (y/n)?"

He looked at you as you were now laying down on the roof fast asleep with your mouth slightly open. Karamatsu smiled and bent down, lifting your sleeping form off of the ground and hoisting you up. Quickly but not forceful, he wrapped your legs around his waist and placed your arms to drape over his shoulders. One of his arms supported under your butt and the other held your head.

Seeing as how his brothers were still home, he made his way to the guest bedroom, the futon already out. Carefully, Karamatsu laid you down and covered you with the blankets and smiling as he did so.

"You're radiance is stunning, my love. Be it day or night, a good day or a bad day, you are always my gorgeous princess... I love you. Sleep well!"

He bent down and pressed a final kiss upon your lips as a farewell.

"Goodnight my queen...!"

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now