(BONUS CHAPTER!) Do You Remember? (Matsus x Zombie!Reader)

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Okay I got a request from Boogirl107 and kinda decided to make it a bonus chapter and give the Dead Reader story a happy ending!

TW: Mentions of suicide, self depreciation,


It had been 2 years since your death and not much had changed. The sextuplets were still grieving and you still weren't alive. But that would soon change.

The phone rang early one morning, waking the sextuplets from their restless slumber. Karamatsu volunteered to answer the phone and stood up once the others gave the okay.

"Matsuno household. Who is this?" He answered as he lifted the phone to his ear.

Karamatsu listened to the voice on the other line who explained a special procedure they had recently come up with. This person was no other than the Doctor Dekapan who wanted permission to do an experiment for the sextuplets. A complicated experiment it would be, but it sounded worth it all in all.

The brothers flinched as the phone fell from Karamatsu's hand and landed on the ground. They noticed their dear brothers was now crying, tears running down his face like a waterfall. Though they looked like tears of sorrow, they were much rather tears of joy and hope.

"Nii-San? What's wrong?" Jyushimatsu asked, waving his sleeves around slightly.

The man in yellow was genuinely concerned for the second eldest.

Karamatsu didn't look at his brothers, but instead spoke three words that confused them all: "Grab her hoodie."

Ah! The hoodie! The one that the men had given you years ago as a present for your birthday! A fine hoodie that matched theirs, only it was a nice shade of orange to fill in their rainbow of sweaters. They remembered that hoodie, but how could they?

"K-Karamatsu Nii? Why?" Choromatsu asked, extremely worried.

"Hurry up and grab it please....." He said before looking up with a smile and tears still going down his face, "They're going to bring (y/n) back!"

The others all started crying and squealing with joy, Osomatsu and Ichimatsu sprinting upstairs to look for the orange coat.

It didn't take long and before they knew it, they were at Dekapan's all sweaty from running.

"Shall I explain how I am going to perform this?" The doctor asked as he pulled a strand of your hair from the hoodie.

The brothers fiercely nodded, not wanting it to take forever to get you back but also wanting to know what exactly would happen.

"So since I was able to get a sample of her hair from her sweater, I now have access to her DNA. The DNA will be replicated and though it is illegal for me to do this, I will be able to clone her-"

"Wait. You said you were going to bring the original her back. Not a damn clone. I don't want a clone. This isn't Astro Boy. I want the real her!" Ichimatsu interrupted, snatching the orange hoodie from the doctor.

The brothers agreed and eyed the man carefully, "You promised us the real her, so you better get the real her back!"

"But how? I don't understand. Do you want to go rob her grave and get the body?" The Doctor was now confused.

"Ew! Hell no! Don't you have some sort of revival potion in this shitty lab?"

"I mean yeah, but it shouldn't be expected for her to come back looking like she did before..... She will basically be a zombie."

Osomatsu-San x Reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now