Promise (Choromatsu x Suicidal!Reader)

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Trigger Warning ⚠️ Suicide attempts, death and loss, depression


(B/f/n) was gone..... When you heard about it, you couldn't believe it. It struck hard and you felt immediately nauseous. They were dead.....

Cause of death? A fall. They fell hard enough and hit their head, putting them into a comatose to which they wouldn't awake from. Their parents pulled the plug on (b/f/n), preferring to not have her be what they call a "vegetable" and a "cripple".

It was selfish, but you would have rather had them as a cripple and alive instead of dead, but you pushed that thought aside. You felt mean for thinking that. You just wanted your best friend back. They meant the world to you. Without them, you were nothing and they were all you had left.

You knew a guy who was always clad in green attire and wanted to stop being a NEET and get a job. But since the death of (b/f/n), you haven't really talked to this guy.

You didn't think he cared anyways. But he did in fact.

He always texted and called you, but you were too emotionally drained to charge your phone and check your messages. Sometimes, the man would come by and knock on your door but you thought it was always someone mistaking your apartment for the one next to yours. Your neighbor was quite popular. But, the man in green was worried.

His name was Choromatsu.

Since the news, you spent almost 100% of your time inside, crying and moping. Weeks had passed and the man was genuinely worried about you but had no way to contact you or find out if you were okay. You struggled, you screamed, and eventually decided to end your life.

And today was the day you would.

Your eyes fluttered open and you immediately cringed from the light peeping through the windows. You had a restless sleep the night before and you were actually glad to escape the nightmares you kept having. A sigh left your lips as you remembered your intentions for that day.

A quote from (b/f/n) lingered in your mind as you stepped into the bathroom: "Always look your best when you are at your worst!" Sure the quote was telling you to hide your feelings, but you viewed it differently. Your eyes gazed over your reflection and you gagged a bit.

The hair upon your head stood out, you had large,baggy eyes, and in your opinion, you smelled like a sewer.

You were at your worst, so you figured if you were going to die, why not put in a bit of effort on your appearance so you wouldn't look horrible when they found your body.

So you did just that. You showered, combed your hair, and put on decent clothing.

The green man didn't even cross your mind.

'He probably forgot about me anyways.....' You thought to yourself as you left the apartment.

Little did you know, Choromatsu was walking to your apartment to check on you but noticed you leaving. He hid and proceeded to follow you.

'What the hell is she doing?' Choromatsu asked in his head.

You trotted down the cracked sidewalk and kicked a few stones along the way.

"So stupid....." You mumbled to yourself.

But if they weren't there, you weren't going to either. You needed to be with (b/f/n).

It didn't even seem real to you. You felt as though you would see them walking down the sidewalk any minute now. But you didn't. You just kept walking to to the beach where the cliff side was. Choromatsu grew more worried.

Your vision was clouded by the tears that filled your eyes. Finally, you had made it to the cliff side. Choromatsu's eyes grew wide as he saw you scoot towards the edge.

"(Y-y/n)...?" He asked quietly, walking closer to you.

You moved closer to the point of falling, not hearing him.

"(Y/N)! STOP!"

You flinched at the voice and began to tumble forward, horrified. You clutched onto the edge, dangling 100 feet above the ground. Scared, you started screaming and crying as you looked down.

Choromatsu dashed over, trying not to cry. He grasped your hands and used all his strength to pull you back up, eventually succeeding with you landing on top of him.

You panted heavily and cried, sitting on his stomach with your hands in his. He sat up and cupped your cheeks, him now crying. He pulled you into his chest and dug is face into your neck.

"I'm sorry....." He choked out, his warm breath hitting your neck.

You didn't respond.

"(Y/n) look at me."

Your head lifted up and your eyes met his.

"Why would you do that?"

You gulped. "(B/f/n) is gone.... I need them..... But their gone.... They were all I had left."

He looked offended. "You have me, (y/n)....."

"But you have been ignoring me!"

"Have you checked your phone at all or even hear the constant knocks at your door over the past month?" He quietly asked.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"I've been texting, calling, and coming to visit for the past few weeks. But you never answer...."

"I-I haven't looked at my phone in forever..... I just sleep all day...."

"You know I care..." He said after a few moments of awkward silence.

"I-I'm sorry....." You cried, leaning into his shoulder. "I love you, Choromatsu....."

He froze and turned extremely red. You did the same when you realized what you had said.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking! I-"

"I love you too, (y/n)." He said as he fiddled with his fingers.

The green man stood up, pulling you with him.

"Let's go....." He smiled slightly, holding your hand.

"Yeah.... Let's go...." You replied, squeezing his hand tightly.

The two of you walked hand in hand down back into the city.

"I know they meant a lot to you.... But know I am here for you when you need help." He said suddenly.

"Thank you...."

"I never want you to try anything like that again." The serious tone threw you off.

"I won't...."



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