Boyf Riends- Pastel and Punk

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Jeremy rolled his eyes as his boyfriend stuck out his studded tongue.

"I'm just saying, Heere. If you were to have a fire baby, that shit would hurt coming out."

"Oh, and a water baby wouldn't be any better?" Jeremy asked, pushing back a stand of curly hair from his face.

Michael stopped, turning in exasperation to glare at his boyfriend. "Are you actually joking? At least a water baby wouldn't burn your-"

"Hey cutie." Jeremy let out a little squeak in surprise as someone slapped his ass. His face turned bright red and he looked towards Michael as if he was his only savior.

Michael glared instantly at the kid who touched Jeremy. "The fuck was that?"

The dude stopped, and Jeremy shrank back, seeing who it was. "The fuck did you say to me?"

"I said," Michael muttered, glaring down at Rich. "The fuck was that?"

"He was lookin' hot. So what?"

Michael grabbed Rich, slamming him against a row of lockers. "Fucking touch my boyfriend again. I dare you." Michael dropped Rich, turning back to Jeremy.

He grabbed Jeremy's hand, storming out of the hallway and out the front doors of the school towards his car.

"That fucking fuck! I can't believe he still thinks that he rules this fucking school!" Michael rambled on, not noticing Jeremy's stance and the tears starting to form.

"Micha? Are you..." Jeremy asked softly. He flinched back when he saw how angry Michael was. Michael softened his face once he saw Jeremy's state of mind.

"Oh, sweetheart. I'm sorry. I didn't mean, I wasn't trying to, to scare you, I just..." Michael trailed off, not knowing what he was trying to do. He grabbed Jeremy's flower crown, fixing it. He put a hand on Jeremy's back, gently making him stand up straighter.

"I'm sorry." Michael mumbled again. "I'm so so sorry."

"It's okay, I'm sorry, I'm just, I'm just a mess." Jeremy chucked, but Michael could tell it was nervous laughter.

"I..." Michael trailed off. "I love you. I would never, ever hurt you. I just... I just get a little... protective." He glanced at Jeremy's worried face, and tried to soften his own. "I'm sorry. I'll work on it more, I promise."

"It's okay." Jeremy gave Michael a small smile, hopping into Michaels PT Cruiser. "I'm... glad you did it. Just... loud noises are... loud."

Michael chuckled, turning the car on. "Okay, how about this. Why don't we go get ice cream and just go to the park or something?"

"Sounds..." Jeremy dragged out his words, smiling wide. "Chill."

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