Clana-Soulmate AU

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Soulmate AU where when both parties look into each other's eyes, the world fills with color.

I'll post part two tomorrow I swear

Alana Beck always kept her head up, and her eyes down.

That way, she'd at least seem confident. She deemed herself not worthy of others, thus she didn't allow herself to make eye contact with anyone else.

She knew the only way to figure out who your soulmate was would be to make eye contact. The world would fill with color, but Alana believed she didn't deserve it.

One day. She told herself. One day she'd do something good enough. One day.


Connor Murphy always kept his head down, but his eyes up.

That way, people would ignore him, but he'd still be able to study them. They always seemed happy until they thought no one was watching.

Take Alana Beck for example.

She always had her head up, but she never made eye contact with anyone.

Connor had noticed how everyone made eye contact. That's just what you did, because that's how you find your soulmate.

So why did Alana never make eye contact?

She was beautiful in Connors eyes. Her big eyes dragged him in, framed beautifully by her big glasses. She always had a wide smile on her face, and it made him feel love sick for once in his life.

He'd first started really paying attention to her in 10th grade, when they'd been lab partners. She'd been so confident with her words; at least, that's what she wanted everyone to think.

Connor had been pretend to be okay for a long time, so he saw right though her act. He saw how lonely she looked, and he made it his goal to become at least... friends with her.

And maybe one day... maybe she'd look up into his eyes.

Maybe they'd be soulmates.


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