Tree Bros- Bushes

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Warning: Murder

Part two of Flowers

Evan tapped his foot anxiously against the cold floor, counting down the seconds until he could finally leave this place, and go to where he really wanted to go.

Home. Where he could finally relax and take some time to himself.

Where his next victim was.

Connor glanced knowingly at Evan, placing his hand on top of Evans. Evan jumped slightly, but instantly relaxed at Connors touch.

Connor gave Evan a weak smile as the bell rang. "Do you want to come over and like, I don't know, hang out? Or do you want to just go home?" Connor asked, making sure to keep his voice soft.

"I, uh, can I just, maybe, if it's, uh, if it's okay, can I just go home?" Evan asked.

"Of course, sweetheart." Connor held Evans hand as they walked to his car in silence.

The car ride was somewhat peaceful, and with the quiet air, Evan was able to think through his actions and what he wanted to do.

"Bye sweetheart." Connor said, stopping at Evans house. "If you need anything, just, like, call. Okay?"

"Okay. Okay. Thank, thank you!" Evan gave Connor a weak smile, and headed to his front door. Once he was sure Connor couldn't see him anymore, he broke out into a wide smile.

"Honey, I'm home!" Evan called out, smiling to himself as he heard a mumbled cry.

"What? Did you, did you miss me?"

Evan chuckled at he watched the blond girl's eyes widen as he stepped into his bedroom.

"Don't worry, I didn't, I wouldn't forget about you. That's just, that's mean, and I can't do that." Evan locked his bedroom door and put his backpack on the floor, stepping onto the tarp he'd placed on the floor. He grabbed his apron, and looked through his toolbox.

"Okay, so uh, your other scars seemed to have somewhat gotten, gotten better, so that's good! More opportunity for this time, you know?"

Evan held up a full knife, smiling to himself. "Oh, and uh, Brooke, don't worry. You didn't miss much at school."

Brooke whimpered, too tired and weak to move away from Evans weapon. She just wanted it all to be over. She wished he would just end her already.

She cried out weakly when the dull blade dug into her arm, forcing old scars to open up again. She buried her head down, her hair falling in her face.

"Brooke." Evan said, his voice angry. When Brooke looked up with fear in her eyes, Evan softened. "Sorry. Uh, can you, maybe, like, uh, move your hair? Actually you can't do that, you're tied, uh, hold, hold on."

Evan ran to his bathroom and brought back one of his moms hair ties. He carefully got Brooke's hair, making sure not to tug too hard. He placed it all in a loose ponytail, then pat her gently on the head. He wiped a falling tear from her face, and saw how pale she'd gotten.

He sat down in front of her, a sad look on his face. "You've been so good, Brooke. Very, uh, very good!" Evan smiled. "So uh, now you're gonna become plant fertilizer. Is that okay? If I just..." Evan made a cut throat motion, and Brooke rapidly nodded her head.

"Okay. Okay!" Evan stood up, and walked over to his tool box. "Uh, Okay." He picked up his sharpest knife, and smiled softly down at Brooke.

He slashed her throat, smiling as the red blood bubbled out. He saw the life fade from Brooke's eyes, and it was so beautiful. That Evan was in control of that. That Evan had control.

"Thank, uh, thank you Brooke. But uh, now you're gonna feed my rose bush!" Evan smiled wide as he talked to the lifeless body. "It's gonna be cream colored roses! I like it when flowers have meaning, and uh, yeah! I appreciate what you've done, so, uh, yeah!" Evan chuckled to himself. "But uh, I wish you hadn't been as messy."

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