Boyf Riends- Evan is a Pure Boi

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One person asked for a part two of Bake Me so this is it, but since it's basically it's own story I'm titling it something different but go off I guess

Also I'm sorry it's kinda memey, memey chapters make me laugh so

"Okay, okay. Store bought cake, check. I have my gift, so check. Micha, you have your gift?"

"Yeah, duh." Michael pulled out his baby blue bag, taking out the tissues so Jeremy could see the gift. "It's a little bonsai tree. Evan will love it!"

"Uh, yeah, of you want to send him into a fucking panic attack! That's like... writing your initials on a tree!"

"Wait, what?" Michael asked, holding the tiny tree. "Evan hates these? But they're so cute!"

"Dude, you don't understand. He went into a two hour rant about how horrible those plants are. They're like, taken from a normal tree, starved, malnourished, and then like, basically tortured. In his own words, 'those plants are made from rich white men who don't care about feelings, and made for rich white girls who only do shit for Instagram.' He was like, hella pissed."

"Wait, he said 'shit'?" Michael asked. "I've literally never heard him cuss. I honestly don't believe you right now."

"Dude, he curses all the time, he's just too scared to around other people." At Michaels look of disbelief, Jeremy changed the subject. "But yeah, uh, so we need to get you a new gift."

"Okay. How much time do we have?"

"Uh.... five minutes before the party starts?"



"Fucking finally. Evan was like about to have a mental break down." Connor whispered angrily as he pulled Jeremy inside.

"Sorry! Michael got him a bonsai and I had to get him a new gift."

Connor grimaced. "Okay, Fair. Evan would have flipped."

"Jeremy! Michael! Hi!" Evan waved awkwardly, tugging at the bottom of his shirt. "You guys, uh, okay?"

"Yeah! Totally. Totally." Jeremy pulled the cake from Michaels arms, setting it on the table. "I know. I know. I said, I said I would bake you a cake but I uh, accidentally baked my phone into the cake so we had to buy you a new cake. I'm sorry."

Evan was silent for a moment, before eventually making eye contact with Jeremy.

"Jeremy," Evan paused, trying hard to fight back a smile. "How the fuck do you bake a phone?"

"Holy shit, he does curse."

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