Stage Dorks- Christine Please

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Requested by @SmolCrazyBean

Warning: This is all about eating disorders, so be warned! This will be a two parter, so most of the eating stuff will be in tomorrow's story

Christine danced around the hallway, pulling Jeremy towards the auditorium. "Come on Jere! I wanna see the cast list!"

Jeremy laughed, trying his best to catch up to his girlfriend. "Okay, okay. Just..." Jeremy trailed off, holding Christine back. "I just, want to say... if, if you don't get a lead role... I still love you? Okay? I just, I just want you to know."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be happy to get any role! I mean, it's Little Shop of Horrors for crying out loud! Like, you know. Any role is a good role for me!" Christine began dancing around again, pulling him towards the small crowd that had formed. She pushed through the crowd, and looked for her name on the call board. Her heat sunk, put she was thankful to still get a role. She headed back to Jeremy, keeping a wide smile on her face.

"So? What roles did we get?" Jeremy asked, studying Christine's face.

"...we?" She asked.

"Well, Yeah? I uh, I'm sorry, I thought you would maybe tell me my role too?"

"Oh. Oh!" Christine pushed her way back into the crowd, waving away Jeremy's apology's.

"Okay, okay," She said pushing back. "You're Seymour."

"Holy shit." Jeremy mumbled. "And uh, who, who are you?"

"I'm uh, you know, one of those girls that sings all the time." She nervously laughed, fiddling with her hands.

"Hey." Jeremy grabbed Christine's hands, holding them in his own. "I'm very very proud of you. For getting a role. I mean, you deserve to be Audrey, but like, you're a singing girl! That's great!"

Jeremy picked up Christine for a second, forgetting how weak he was. "Oh, sorry." He said, putting her down.

"No, no, it's fine." Christine saw Mr.Reyes go back into the black box and she quickly gave Jeremy a kiss. "I'm gonna go ask Mr.Reyes something. I'll be back! I swear. Well, I don't swear, it's just that-"

"Christine?" Jeremy asked.

"Right! Sorry!" She ran down towards the back box, catching Mr.Reyes off guard. "Mr.Reyes!"

"I-oh, hey Christine. How can I help you?"

"Why am I not Audrey?" She asked blatantly. "And why is Brooke?"

"Oh, uh, well..." Her teacher trailed off, flustered. "Well, uh, she has... she has more of the, uh... body type that Audrey has."

"What do you mean?" Christine asked. "Like, the blonde hair?"

"No, no, uh... well. She's... oh god this is going to sound horrible." Mr.Reyes mumbled to himself. "Okay, look sweetheart. You're just not... skinny enough. That's all. She has more of the curves where Audrey needs them. I'm sorry. I tried to get you the next biggest female lead, though."

"Oh. Uh, um, okay. Thank you!" Christine walked out of the black box, walking towards jeremy.

"Hi sunshine! What'd you ask?" Jeremy said, holding his hand out for Christine.

She took it, and gave him a weak smile. "I was asking about what show we're doing next, but he doesn't know yet."

"Oh, well yeah, he's barely gotten started on this one, so I would, well, I would assume that he-"

Christine let Jeremy rant while she gave herself a glance over. She hadn't ever thought of herself as overweight. She worked out, and ate healthy. She liked her body. But if Mr.Reyes said that she wasn't that pretty, skinny body type...

Christine, it's fine. There will be other plays! She told herself. Right, but normally the lead female is skinny, and pretty. What will you do if we do Legally Blonde next? Or Heathers?

Her mind raced as she realized that she needed to work harder if she was ever going to get a lead role again.

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