Boyf Riends- Alternate Universe

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This is an AU based on some fan art by _arieryn on instagram

This will be a multi parter!

Jeremy swallowed the drink,trying his best not throw it back up.

He made a sound of disgust, looking at the White Mountain Dew bottle in his hands. "No wonder they stopped making this." Jeremy mumbled, throwing the half empty bottle in the trash.

His phone buzzed, and he instantly went to grab it. Just before his hands touched his phone, he stopped.

I don't remember having a pink case.

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders. It probably got color washed in the sun during that outside play thing.

He looked at the text that he got, unable to control his smile as he saw Michaels name.

Michael Mell❤️: hey, wanna come over?
Michael Mell❤️:I got us a cool video game, and I even washed that fluffy blanket you like and I got new stuffed animals!

Jeremy chuckled to himself. He loved it when they pretended to be that super soft couple who  completely was whipped for the other.

Me: Okay love! I'll be over soon!
Me: I just need to put pants on lol

Jeremy went to go put on his pants, giving Michael the full opportunity to make an inappropriate joke. When he came back, he was slightly confused.

Michael Mell❤️: yes that's important
Michael Mell❤️: love you!

Me: love you too!

Huh. Jeremy thought. Michael normally would've totally made some inappropriate joke about my pants.

Whatever. He's probably still keeping up the 'cute lovey dovey act'.


Jeremy rang the doorbell of Michaels house. He could've sworn they had a red door and not a green door, but they must have changed it.

"Hey baby!"

Jeremy instantly knew something was horribly wrong.

Michael Mell, the boy he'd know and loved for so long, was wearing green. A soft, pleasant green sweater. Non-Michael adjusted his green glasses. "Baby? What's wrong, love?"

Jeremy began to take sharp breaths, struggling to think properly. Everything's wrong, everything's wrong, everything's wrong.

"Woah, it's okay sweetheart. It's okay. Everything's okay, love. I promise it is. I'll make everything okay." Non-Michael picked Jeremy up, holding him like a princess as he carried him into the house.

"Come on Baby, it's okay. I'm gonna take you to the attic, and we can talk, Okay?"

When they finally reached the attic, Michael put Jeremy down, and backed away slightly. "Okay. Let's talk, sweetheart. How can I help you?"

"You're not Michael."

Non-Michael blinked. "Oh. Oh no." He turned around quickly, running to the mini fridge he had. He grabbed a bottle of normal Mountain Dew, throwing it to Jeremy.

Jeremy flinched back, avoiding the bottle at all cost. "No, no don't make me drink that! It'll, it'll come back!"

"What?" Non-Michael asked, confused. "This is what made the Squip go away? Red starts it, green makes it go away."

Michael sat down in front of Jeremy. "Okay, that's not the problem. What is the problem?"

"I'm... this isn't my world." Jeremy struggled to get out. "You wear red."

"Well you normally wear pink if that says anything." Jermey looked down at his outfit, thankful to see his normal blue sweater.

"Wait... you said I normally wear red?" He asked. "I've never worn red. Ever. Unless you count my rainbow patch. That's it. And a band one, but..." Non-Michael trailed off, thinking. "Wait. This is gonna sound weird, but... have you had a Mountain Dew recently?"

"Uh, Yes?" Jeremy said confused. "Why would that-oh."

"Yeah. Oh." Non-Michael walked around, thinking hard. "Okay. Everything will be okay. It's not like the boy of my dreams is stuck in another world with another me. That's just crazy."

"Dude. Calm the fuck down."

"Oh no, they cuss. Jeremy's gonna die there."

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now