Boyf Riends- First

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Warning: This talks about porn a lot, but nothing happens to the boys

"You did what?"

"I sold my soul on accident."

"How the fuck do you sell your soul on accident?"

"I didn't realize she was a demon until later! I thought it was just a very nice woman who gave me a contract."

Michael took a deep breath, rubbing his forehead. "So... you sold your soul... for what?"

"Uh, I think I have the the document somewhere..." As Jeremy looked, he continued talking. "But like, I'm pretty sure I sold it for my first born child, which like, I mean. You know. Oh! Here it is!" Jeremy handed it to Michael, standing proudly.

Michael glanced at it, trying to read all of the fine print. Eventually he came upon something that made his cheeks flush and laughter pour out of him. "First, first born you said?"

"Yeah, why?" Jeremy asked, instantly worried. "What? What's it say?"

"Well dude, you kinda have to give them your first... porn."

"My what?"

"You heard me. Your first porn."

"My first... as in like, the first porn I watched, or a porn with me in it?"

"Uh, I'm pretty sure the one with you in it porn." Michael said, struggling to hold in his laughter. "Holy shit dude, that's amazing."

"No it's not!" Jeremy screeched. "Because with the baby, I could get out of it. The porn? Not so much! People want to see gay porn!"

"You're gonna have to make gay porn! Holy shit! I'm gonna fucking cry!" Michael managed to get out between laughs. "Holy fucking shit!"

"It's not funny, Michael!"

"Uh, Yeah it is. Dude, you're gonna have to give your porn to some demon thing. That's amazing!"

"Michael, you do realize you'd have to be in it, right?"

Michael stopped laughing. "No I don't."

"Well, sure. You don't. If you want me to have a porn video with someone else, I'll do that."

"Oh fuck that."

"So the way I see it, you have to either know that there's a porn with me and some random person, or you have to be in a porn with me. Thoughts?"

Michael paused, looking down at the floor in concentration. "Fuck you man. I'll be in your porn."

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now