Tree Bros/Kleinsen- Hurt.

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Warning: this contains an abusive relationship. Do not read if you aren't comfortable with it please.

"Evan." Connor snapped, pointing to his empty soda. Evan jumped up from the couch where they were sitting together, rushing to Connors side.

"Right, sorry, sorry. I'll go, I'll go get it." Evan scurried into his kitchen, coming back with a new can.

"This is Diet Coke. Did I ask for diet? Do you think I'm fat?"

"No, no, I just uh, that's all we had left. I'm sorry." Connor rolled his eyes, reluctantly opening the soda can.

He crushed his empty soda can, chucking it at Evan. Evan flinched, apparently a mistake.

"What? Are you scared of me?" Connor asked, offended. "Wow. After everything I've done for you."

"No, no, it's just, uh, anxiety makes me supper skittish, and-"

"Holy fuck Evan, I asked for a yes or no answer, not a 'tragic backstory'."

Evan tucking his head down. "No. No I'm not, I'm not scared of you. Sorry."

"That's more like it." Connor threw his arm over Evans shoulder, pulling him closer. Evan melted into Connors side, feeling protected for a few minutes. He ignored the sinking feeling he had in his stomach, just like he always did.

"Evan?" Evan perked his head up at the uncharacteristically soft voice.

"Jared? What's uh, what's up?" Jared didn't answer, looking around the empty school library. He sat down next to Evan, studying Evan.

Evan nervously tugged the bottom of his shirt, crossing and uncrossing his legs. "What?"

"Are you okay? I haven't seen you in so long, man. Connors like, controlling your life and it's freaking me and the girls out."

"I'm, I'm fine." Evans face brightened as he realized his friends had been talking about him. "Why uh, why do you think that Connors controlling my life?"

"Okay, okay. Maybe I'm being a little harsh." Evan instantly let out a breath of air. "So then, Evan, want to come over and play video games with me tonight? Sleepover?"

Evan instantly froze up again. "I can't, Connor, he'd-" Evan cut himself off, but Jared had already gotten what he needed.

"See?" He questioned. Evans face was still a bright red, so Jared gently put a hand on Evans shoulder. "Hey dude. If you need anything, the girls and I are so ready to help you, alright?" Jared paused, leaning back and running a hand through his hair. "I'm just so fucking worried about you, man. I don't want you getting hurt, or-"

"Oh, Connor doesn't hit me. He uh, might be a little 'edgy' because of his depression, but he hasn't ever hit me!" Evan said, optimistically. "He, he loves me." Evan stood up, seeing Connor standing by the front door of the library, glaring at the two.

"I have to, I have to go." Evan quickly gathered his stuff up, waving to Jared. "I'll, I'll see you Monday!"

As Evan walked away, he missed the last thing Jared said to himself. Jared gathered his stuff, mumbling what he said to himself again.

"He doesn't love you like I do."

"Connor, I swear, we weren't doing anything. Jared wanted help on some school work, and I was already there, so he just-" Connor laughed with no emotion.

"Sure. Sure, you two were just 'doing schoolwork'. Right." Evan smiled weakly, ignoring the venom in Connors words.

"Yeah. We were. So uh-" Evan was cut off by his body hitting a wall behind him. He groaned in pain, but Connor forced him to look at him.

Connors eyes were crazy, and only now did Evan smell the horrible alcohol stench coming from Connor.

"Did you drink?" Evan asked quietly. It made sense, Connor tends to get irrational when he drinks, and he was pretty sketchy driving home.

"Don't fucking talk to me in that tone, Hansen." Connor pulled Evan up higher on the wall. When Evan was struggling to much for that, Connor dropped him to the ground, kicking him in the stomach.

"Get up." Evan tried to quickly stand, fear in his eyes.

Connor got close to Evans face, and Evan tried not to flinch. "I'm doing this because you're being an absolute slut. You deserve this." Connor stepped back, just so he could deliver a punch to Evans face.

Evan clutched his nose, already feeling blood. Connor make no motion of caring, instead stumbling up the stairs to his bedroom.

Evans eyes burned with tears. He grabbed his backpack, and rushed out of the house. The cold air felt nice against his skin, and he walked three blocks until he reached the house he wanted to go to. He rang the doorbell, and waited a few moments before it opened wide.

"Evan? What the fuck, what the fuck." Jared pulled Evan in, closing and locking the door behind him. He quickly grabbed a blanket from his couch, throwing it around Evan. He ran upstairs to his bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit. He ran back downstairs, gently guiding Evan to the kitchen table.

The two were silent as Jared tried to fix Evan up as much as he could. Eventually, Jared finished. He stood up and kneeled down next to Evan. A single tear fell down Evans face as he tried to get out a full sentence. "He, you were, he did, he, I didn't think he would, I didn't, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. At all." Jared weakly smiled at Evan, grabbing his hands. "Why don't we just go to sleep, okay? It's late, and you need rest."

Evan nodded his head weakly, thankful that Jared wasn't making his usual jokes. He stood up, wrapping the blanket around himself more.

Jared guided him upstairs, leading him to his bedroom. He told Evan to sleep in his bed, and tried to go out so he could sleep on the couch.

"Wait?" Evan meekly asked, fear running through his veins. "Please. Uh, can you just, stay here? I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, acorn. It's okay." Jared closed his bedroom door, turning off the light and getting into bed next to Evan. "Goodnight. I promise I'll protect you."

That was the most protected Evan had ever felt in a long time, with no sinking feeling in his stomach to make him worried.

He'd finally found peace.

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