Kleinsen-FBI soulmate AU pt3

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Warning: Death/ Murder

Jared typed away on his laptop, searching Evans laptop again for any sign of a 'blueprint'. No matter what he did, he couldn't find one, and it was bothering the crap out of him.

All the poor guy had was tree facts, and cute pictures of puppies.

He angrily sighed, closing his laptop and pushing his chair back. It'd been a couple of weeks since the phone call Connor made, and Jared has been on edge ever since.

But he knew when Connor would make his jump.


Evan was having a movie night with Connor and himself, and he had a feeling that Connor was planning on attacking him as soon as they left.

Connor had texted him earlier if he wanted to carpool since his mom was being 'an ass', and Jared had agreed. He'd drive there, Connor would drive back, using Jared's car.

Jared nervously tapped his foot against his bedroom floor, finally feeling like he could go pick up Connor without being too early.

He grabbed his stunner, hiding it in his cargo shorts. He put his pocket knife right below his seat so he could grab it if he wanted to. The recording devices were intact and out of sight, and everything seemed normal in his car. He threw a few jackets and dirty napkins on the floor, just to make it seem more normal.

Finally, he made sure he had his playlist ready, then plugged in Connors address into his phone.

When he finally made it, Connor had been waiting outside. Decoy house. He's trying to trick me, without me knowing. Fucking punk.

Jared gave Connor a wide smile, motioning for him to get in the car.

The car ride was uneventful; the two sang along to old 90's rock bands, and no murder was attempted.

The reached Evans house, still laughing about a joke Jared had made. The reached the door, and Connor chuckled at the handmade sign Evan had put on the door.

Hey guys! (Connor and Jared)

I'm showering right now, but you can just come in and pick out a movie to watch. I'll be out in a few! Thank you, sorry! Food is in the kitchen!

"Rad." Jared pushed open Evans front door, looking around at the layout.

It wasn't huge, but it was definitely nice, with decor all around.

But Jared did notice one thing that didn't seem right.

Evans house didn't have any baby pictures, or anything that made it seem like... Evan.

Connor sat on the couch, looking through the movies. Jared hesitated before ignoring his worry. Maybe Evan just didn't like that kinda stuff in the living room. Sure.

"So what movie were you thinking?" Connor asked as Jared headed to the kitchen. "There's Tangled, Brave, Mary-"

Jared paused, putting down his popcorn as he heard something thud to the floor. He made no sound as he crouched down, his heart beating rapidly.

He peeked around the corner, and was almost surprised to see a bloody Evan in a black, skintight outfit. A long katana was resting in his hands, and he seemed confident in himself with the head now in his arms. His muscles were toned, and Jared finally realized that Evan had been lying about why he worked out.

"Jared?" Evan called out, unaware that Jared had seen him. "You here?"

Jared kept his mouth shut, searching his pockets for anything that could help, but then he realized he'd only put a stunner in his shorts.

He took it out. A stunner is better than nothing.

"Awe, don't be like that, Jared." Evan neared the kitchen, a psychotic smile on his lips. "Come on out."

Jared flinched back, backing up as far as he could into the wall behind him.

"I know why you're here. You're here to take the blue print, right? You don't want me to have the machine either." Evan laughed, but it sounded so... wrong.

"Oh, and I'm gonna bet you were the one spying on me through my 'safe' laptop. Jokes on you, I guess."

Evan neared Jared, put made his voice sound like it was still in the living room. He quietly jumped on the kitchen counter, getting his katana ready.

"But, you know. I'm in charge of the world. You abide by me, got it?" Jared cried out as Evan jumped in front of him. "Tell your little men that." Evan played with one of Jared's recorders before crushing it beneath his foot.

Evan sliced Jared neck clean off, smiling to himself as it rolled into the floor.

He picked up the head, smirking to himself before putting on a sad face.

"You know, Kleinman? I would have actually loved you. But you just had to go sneaking around on my laptop. Tssk tssk."

Evan placed a soft kiss on Jared's forehead, placing the head back down. "I'll see you one day, Kleinman. I promise."

Evan smiled to himself as he climbed out the window.

He couldn't wait for the actual owners of the house to come home.

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