Boyf Riends- SpooderMoon

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Warning: Infinity War spoilers low key

And it's hecca short but like I mean when are my stories not

"You're kidding me. You're kidding me. If you're kidding me I'm going to punch you in the face."

"I'm not kidding. I got us tickets to comic con!"

"Holy shit."Jeremy ran a hand through his hair, breathing heavy.

"Are you... you good?"

"Oh my god, this is on Saturday. We're gonna need costumes like, now."

"Oh don't worry, I have that covered. That's your, uh, your second present. Open this." Michael slid a giant cardboard box over to Jeremy with a grin on his face.

Jeremy quickly ripped open the box, flipping out what he saw the contents. He held it up, studying it closely. "Holy shit. Did you actually get me a Spider-Man costume? Like, a legit replica?"

Michael just chuckled, smiling at how happy his boyfriend was. "Oh, and I got us tickets to Infinity War. And I got myself a Tony Stark costume, so we could match and stuff! The movie is on Friday, so then the next day we can go to comic con and not get spoilers!"

Jeremy wiped a falling tear away, smiling wide. "You're the best boyfriend ever."


"You're the worst boyfriend ever."

"How was I supposed to know Spider-Man died? And so... so depressingly?" Michael asked out loud. "Holy shit. And you look like Peter Parker so that's depressing."

"I can't believe I'm dressed like Spider-Man. I can believe I look like Spider-Man. And he died. In Tony's arms." Jeremy held onto Michaels arms, steadying himself.

"Micha? I don't feel so good."

"Fuck off."

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