Kleinsen- Treat You Better

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Warning: this first part is more of the inside/outside look at Evan and Connors abusive relationship. It includes physical and emotional abuse, so if you don't feel comfortable reading, please don't read! The part two will be less abuse and more storyline. Thank you!

"Seriously Evan? You're gonna eat that? I really don't think you need to."

"And then I was like, Betty, listen-"

"You're worthless. You know that, right? Everyone knows it. Well, everyone that knows you, at least."

"I mean, obviously I said yes, but-"

"You're so pathetic. You can't do anything right. No wonder you ended up with me."

"Look, I mean, Archie's a good guy, but listen, I wouldn't like, fuck the guy. Maybe-"

"You'll never be able to do better than me."

"No no, listen. Jughead agreed to let me have Betty. Got it?"

"You deserve this."


Evan was snapped back to reality, giving his friends a forced smile. "Hi!"

"Did you hear anything I said?" Jared asked softly.

"Uh, uh, no. Sorry."

Jared went to put his hand on Evans shoulder, but Evan flinched away instantly.

"Sorry! Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Evan moved back, but Jared retracted his hand.

"Dude. It's okay. I swear." Jared said, chuckling lightly to try to calm Evan down.

"Right. Sorry. What were you saying?"


"Alana, please tell me you see it."

"See what?"

"How-! Ugh." Jared took a breath, his emotions running wild. "How broken Evans been lately. I think... I think Connors being abusive."

Alana didn't say anything for a moment.

"What makes you think that?"

"He flinches when someone comes near him, he doesn't pay attention to anything anymore, he's more insecure, like more than normal. Have you noticed he wears longer stuff now? Like, sweaters and shit. And and, whenever Connors around, Evan instantly changes himself and is like, a way weaker version of himself."

Alana bit her lip. "I have noticed. What... what can we do though? I'm sure Evan would actually die if we talked to him about it."

"Yeah, he'd get hella defensive." Jared bit the inside of his cheek, thinking. "I don't know. I'll come up with something. Maybe for now you can talk to the counselors or something? You're good with adults."

"Alright, got it." Alana rushed off, leaving Jared alone.

I just want him to be happy. And safe. Jared thought to himself. I'd do anything to make sure Evans happy.

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